Prominent WA Engineers Born Before 1900
Title and Name | Lived (Sources) | Discipline and Post Nominals | Engineers Australia Involvement | Comments |
REVELEY, Henry Willey (Mr) | 1789-1875
(BAS) (ADB) |
Engineer and Architect
BE (Pisa) |
First Civil Engineer in WA
Appointed May 1829 Designed the Round House Fremantle Left Colony 1838 | |
AUSTIN, James Gardner (Mr) | 1800-1889 | Engineer and Architect | Chief Engineer, Architect and Surveyor for the Western Australian Land Company
Superintendent of Public Works 1851-1853 | |
SHENTON, William Kernot (Mr) | 1801-1842 | Engineer, Architect, Editor and Mill Owner | Built first mills in the Swan River Colony
Designed offices and a home for Lionel Sampson Newspaper publisher from 1831 | |
COOK, Solomon (Mr) | 1813-1871
(ADB) (BAS) |
Whaler, Blacksmith, Shipwright, Machinist, Engineer and Contractor | Whaler at Albany
Designed and built flour mills at Mount Barker, York and Claisebrook Constructed first Canning Bridge (1849) Publican “Dusty Miller” York Built first steam powered vessel on the Swan River (1854) Cut Canal above the Causeway Reconstructed the Causeway after the 1862 flood Built first WA made grain reaper (1862) | |
MANNING, James (Mr) | 1814-1893
(BAS) (ADB) |
Civil Engineer, Architect and Builder
JP |
Designed Fremantle Commissariat Store
Chairman of the Fremantle Town Trust Involved in Perth Town Hall design and Government House Designed North Fremantle Bridge and Geraldton Town Jetty | |
BROWNE, Thomas Henry Johnson (Mr) | 1818-1882
(DJT) |
Engineer, Surveyor and Architect | As a convict he worked on the Fremantle Lunatic Asylum
Inspector of Works Geraldton to Northampton Rail Known as “Satan Browne” | |
HENDERSON, Edmund Yeamans Walcott (Lt Colonel, Sir) | 1821-1896
(BAS) (ADB) |
Engineer and Surveyor
Comptroller General of the Convict Establishment
Designed Fremantle Prison Designed Fremantle Asylum London Police Commissioner | |
AUSTIN, Robert (Mr) | 1825-1905
(ADB) (CP) |
Surveyor, Explorer and Civil Engineer | Surveyed the rail line from Warnbro to the Darling Scarp
Explored around Mount Magnet Assistant Government Surveyor WA Roads Engineer Queensland | |
WRAY, Henry (Lt General) | 1826-1900
(BAS) |
Engineer and Architect
Early Fremantle jetties
Constructed Fremantle Prison Acting Comptroller General of the Convict Establishment Chief Royal Engineer Malta Lt Governor Isle of Jersey | |
THOMAS, James Henry English (Mr) | 1826-1884
(ADB) (BAS) |
Civil Engineer
1876 WA Chief Engineer (1)
1884 WA Commissioner of Railways | |
GRAIN, Edward Metcalfe (Lt Colonel) | 1827-1884
(S&M) |
Civil Engineer
RE |
Royal Engineers WA 1859-1863
Designed North Fremantle Bridge with James Manning Commanding Royal Engineer Hong Kong | |
COOPER, Charles (Mr) | 1829-1911 | Civil Engineer
CE |
Managed Midland Railway contract
Inaugural Chief Engineer and Superintendent for Midland Railways Patented a locomotive spark arrestor | |
CROSSMAN, William (Major General, Sir) | 1830-1901
(BAS) |
Civil Engineer
In charge of Public Works Albany and Bunbury
MP for Portsmouth UK | |
DU CANE, Edmund (Major General, Sir) | 1830-1903
(BAS) |
Engineer and Magistrate
In charge of Public Works Guildford, Avon Valley, York and Toodyay
Built Guildford Bridge 1859 | |
VICTOR, Henry Eltze (Mr) | 1830-1911
(BAS) |
Civil Engineer and Consulting Engineer |
Divisional Engineer Great Indian Peninsula Railway
Superintendent Engineer Northampton Railway Consulting Engineer | |
FRASER, Malcolm (Sir) | 1834-1900
(ADB) (CP) |
Surveyor and Engineer
Surveyor General
Commissioner of Works Administrator of Western Australia First Agent General for Western Australia | |
FLEMING James Coates (Mr) | 1834-1885
(CP) |
Merchant and Telegraph Superintendent
Supervised early telegraph construction from Perth to Eucla
Colony’s first Superintendent of Telegraphs | |
MALEY, John Stephen (Mr) | 1836-1910
Mechanical and Civil Engineer | Worked with Solomon Cook on installing steam engines in boats
Designed Greenough River Bridge Built mill at Greenough | |
WRIGHT, John Arthur (Mr) | 1841-1920
(CWA) (BAS) (ADB) |
Civil Engineer
Commissioner of Railways
WA Chief Engineer (2) 1885-1890 WA Land Company Constructed Great Southern Rail | |
O’CONNOR, Charles Yelverton (Mr) | 1843-1902
(ADB) (CWA) |
Civil Engineer
Rail and Harbour Works New Zealand
WA Chief Engineer (3) 1891-1902 | |
KEANE, Edward Vivien Harvey (Mr) | 1844-1904
(ADB) |
Civil Engineer and Railway Contractor
JP |
Built Perth to Guildford Railway
Built and financed Midland Railway MP and Mayor of Perth Built Perth Cathedral and Fremantle Town Hall | |
MASON, Clayton Turner (Mr) | 1847-1911
(CWA) (BAS) |
Railway Engineer
WA General Manager Railways
1889 Acting Commissioner of Railways Collector of Customs | |
PRICE, Charles Danvers (Mr) | 1847-1934 | Surveyor, Project Manager, Resident Magistrate and Mining Warden | Project Manager Albany to Eucla Telegraph Line
Surveyor Great Southern Railway Project Manager Northampton to Roebourne Telegraph Line Resident Magistrate East Kimberley Warden Kimberley Goldfield | |
FARRAR, George Edward (Mr) | 1848-1919
(CWA) |
Civil Engineer and Surveyor
Founding Councillor of the WAIE
Treasurer WAIE 1910-1919 |
Principal Engineer Roads and Bridges PWD |
ROWLEY, Henry (Mr) | 1849-1919
(CWA) |
Consulting Electrical and Chemical Engineer
Manager Electric Light Department
Victorian Rail Owner Rowley Forest Products Co Ltd City of Perth Analyst | |
MORGANS, Alfred Edward, Mr | 1850-1933 | Mechanical Engineer
Supervisor Gold and Silver Mines Central America
Associated with Bewick Moreing and Co Managing Director Westralia Mount Morgans Gold Mines Co Ltd Managing Director Millionaire Ltd MLA Coolgardie (May 1897-June 1904) and Member 1897 Royal Commission on Mining Mayor City of Kalgoorlie Founding President of the Coolgardie Chamber of Mines and Commerce Vice President WA Chamber of Mines Premier WA (21 November-23 December 1901) Managing Director British Exploration of Australasia Co Ltd Director Greenbushes Development Company State Consul Austria Hungary, Vice Consul for Spain and Consular Agent for USA Member Faculty of Engineering | |
ARROW, James Thomas (Mr) | 1852-1913 | Civil Engineer
Founding Member WAIE
WAIE Auditor 1911-1913 |
Assistant Engineer Goldfields Pipeline
Assistant Engineer Goldfields Water Supply |
DUDLEY, Uriah (Mr) | 1852-1909 | Mechanical Engineer
Mining Engineer MAusIME FGS JP |
Manager Umberumberka Silver Mine Silverton
Instructor Silverton Technical School Mayor of Silverton Manager Chloridising Works Broken Hill Founding Secretary of the Australasian Institute of Mining Engineers Manager Gold Bar Gold Mining Company Coolgardie Manager White Rock Silver Mine Drake NSW Manager Emperor Gold Mines Day Dawn | |
FAULKNER, James (Mr) | 1853-1930
(CWA) |
Mechanical Engineer
Inaugural Auditor WAIE | Engineer Perth Gas Company
Superintendent Perth Water Supply Co Ltd |
GRAINGER, John Harry (Mr) | 1854-1917 | Civil Engineer and Architect
Bridge Designer |
Railway Draughtsman PWD SA
Partner D’Ebro and Grainger Melbourne Designer Albert Bridge Adelaide (1878), Princess Bridge Melbourne (1879), Swing Bridge Sale (1879) Designer Fremantle Town Hall 1881 Chief Architect PWD WA (1897-1905) Partner Grainger, Kennedy and Little, Melbourne | |
PRICE, Matthew (Mr) | 1854-1940 | Pearler, Contractor, Project Supervisor | Team Member Albany to Eucla Telegraph Line
Pioneer King Sound Pearling Industry Built major bridges and jetties at Dongara, Fremantle, Derby, Carnarvon, Fremantle, Mandurah, Onslow and Busselton Project Supervisor for Goldfields Water Supply | |
VENTRIS, Arthur Ventris Murphy (Mr) | 1854-1940 | Superintendent
Founding Member of the WAIE
WAIE Vice President 1918-1920 |
Superintendent of the Perth Mint
Deputy Master of the Perth Mint |
WRIGHT, James William (Mr) | 1854-1917
(ADB) |
Contractor, Civil Engineer and Architect
Founding Member of the WAIE | Contractor for Eastern Railway extension to Chidlow’s Wells
Member of the Legislative Council Pioneer Architect in private practice in WA |
GLIDDON, Edgar Howard (Mr) | 1855-1934 | Surveyor, Municipal Engineer and Consulting Engineer | WAIE Council 1919-1920 | Town Surveyor Fremantle
City Engineer Perth Lands Department Inspector |
SAUNDERS, Henry John (Mr) | 1855-1919
(CP) |
Civil Engineer, Consulting Engineer and Company Director
Partner Barret and Saunders
Designer of Perth's first public water supply Mayor City of Perth Senator Mining Investor | |
William (Mr) |
(CWA) (CP) |
Patternmaker, Foundry Owner and Rail Superintendent | Founding Member of the WAIE | Major Shareholder Union Foundry
Locomotive Superintendent Midland Railway |
LANE, Zebina Bartholomew (Mr) | 1856-1912 | Mining Engineer
Promoter Land Developer Politician MAusIME MAusIMM MLC |
Manager Junction North Mine Broken Hill
Manager Consolidated North Broken Hill Manager Block 14 Mine Secretary Barrier Mine Managers Association Chairman Barrier Mine Managers Association Founding Member Australasian Institute of Mining Engineers Mayor Broken Hill Municipal Council Assisted launch Great Boulder Gold Mines Pty Ltd Superintending Engineer British Westralian Syndicate Ltd Managing Director Hannan’s Public Crushing, Condensing and Saw Mills Co Ltd Director Collie Proprietary Coalfields of WA Ltd Director Great Boulder Perseverance Land developer East Perth Member of the WA Legislative Council | |
POOLE, George Temple (Mr) | 1856-1934
(CWA) (BAS) (ADB) |
Civil Engineer and Architect
Founding Member of the WAIE | Superintendent of Works 1884
Government Architect First President WAIA Designed Albany Court House Floated Perth Tramways Company |
McDONALD, John Alexander (Mr) | 1856 1930 | Civil Engineer
Founding Member of the WAIE | Assistant Engineer Roads, Bridges and Sewerage PWD NSW
Executive Engineer/Resident Engineer Fremantle Harbour Assistant Chief Engineer PWD Assistant Engineer Johannesburg Municipality Engineer Gisbourne Harbour Board |
HUME, Edward Shotton (Mr) | 1857-1946
(CWA) |
Mechanical Engineer
Founding Councillor of the WAIE
WAIE President 1914-1915 |
Workshop Manager WAGR Fremantle
Chief Mechanical Engineer WAGR |
QUIRK William Montague Harley (Mr) | 1857-1923 | Mechanical Engineer and Inventor
Partner Conroy and Quirk
WA Manager J Barre Johnston and Co Partner Quirk and Moffatt Engineers Managing Director Quirk’s Lighting and Engineering Limited | |
ROLLAND, Robert Anthony (Mr) | 1857-1931
(CWA) |
Civil Engineer and Licensed Surveyor
Founding Member of the WAIE
WAIE Council 1918-1919 WAIE Vice President 1919-1920 |
Assistant Engineer in Chief PWD |
CHINN, Henry (Mr) | 1858-1940
(CWA) (ADB) |
Civil Engineer and Consulting Engineer | Consulting Engineer Victoria and WA
Tendered to construct Port Hedland – Nullagine rail line Supervising Engineer Transcontinental Railway Inventor of Kalipsite Welding for continuous rail | |
Thomas Cowley (Mr) |
(CWA) |
Hydraulic Engineer
MSc (Civil Engineering) |
Designed and supervised construction of the Goldfields Scheme
President Cunderdin Farmers and Settlers Association | |
MUIR, John Andrew (Mr) | 1858-1915
(CWA) (BAS) |
Civil Engineer and Surveyor
Founding Councillor of the WAIE | Inspector of Engineering Surveys PWD
First Transcontinental Railway Survey |
PALMER, Charles Stuart Russell (Mr) | 1858-1937
(CP) (BAS) |
Civil Engineer and Architect
Engineer Roads and Bridges PWD
Engineer Water Supply PWD WA Chief Engineer (4) 1902-1904 | |
STODDART, James (Mr) | 1858-1944 | Civil Engineer and Surveyor | Founding Councillor of the WAIE | Chief Engineering Surveyor PWD
First Class Assistant Engineer PWD |
HARGRAVE, Henry William (Mr) | 1858-1925 | Civil Engineer Surveyor and Architect
Founding Councillor of the WAIE | Resident Engineer Mullewa Cue Railway
Engineer for Perth Roads Board Member Metropolitan Water Board |
PIDGEON, John (Major) | 1859-1920
(CWA) |
Civil Engineer
Founding Councillor of the WAIE | Assistant Engineer WA Land Company
Construction Engineer Resident Engineer Railways Perth |
LIGHT, Ernest Edward (Mr) | 1859-1920
(CWA) |
Civil Engineer
Founding Vice president of the WAIE
WAIE President 1912-1913 |
Chief Engineer of Existing Lines WAGR |
John Henry (Jack Harry) (Mr) |
(CWA) |
Electrical Engineer | 23 years with Mephan Ferguson being Foreman Engineer in WA
Splatt Wall and Co Manager Cottesloe Electric Light Works | |
LESLIE, William (Mr) | 1860-1940
(CWA) |
Mechanical and Civil Engineer
Founding Trustee of the WAIE
WAIE President 1911-1912 |
Principal Leslie and Co Engineers
Resident Engineer Mundaring Weir Engineer in Charge Fremantle Harbour Works |
Harold (Mr) |
(CWA) |
Electrical Engineer
Founding Member of WAIE
WAIE Council Member 1914-1920 |
Electrical Engineer WAGR
Chief Electrical and Signals Engineer WAGR |
DAVIS, Mathias John (Mr) | 1861-1939
(CWA) |
MIEAust |
WAIE Foundation Member
WAIE Treasurer 1919-1920 |
Partner Davis, Hankinson & Co. Contractors |
William Henry (Mr) |
(CWA) |
Civil Engineer
Engineer and General Manager Midland Railway Co | |
ANKETELL, Richard John (Mr) | 1862-1928
(WITW) (TVL) |
Civil Engineer
Surveyor AMIEAust |
WAIE Council 1910-1911 | Surveyed the Trans Australia Line, constructed the Rabbit Proof Fence and developed Peel Drainage Scheme
Inaugural MRD Board Member |
Alexander Barr (Mr) |
(CWA) |
Mining Engineer
AIME, MA (Chem and Elec), FGS |
First State Mining Engineer 1902-1930 | |
Neil (Mr) |
(CP) |
Civil Engineer
Founding Member WAIE
WAIE Council 1918-1920 |
Assisted design of the Coolgardie Scheme
District Engineer Kalgoorlie PWD |
THOMPSON, James (Mr) | 1863-1945
(ADB) (BAS) (CWA) |
Civil Engineer
Founding President WAIE 1910-1911 | Wrote to all other Engineering bodies proposing a national engineering organisation
WA Chief Engineer (5) 1904-1925 |
Albert Ernest (Mr) |
(CP) |
Civil Engineer | Resident Engineer Collie PWD
Resident Engineer Bunbury Harbour Managing Director Collie Boulder Coal Co Manager Millar’s Karri and Jarrah Co Qld Town Clerk and Engineer Ithaca Qld Brisbane MW&S Board Member Naval Civil Engineer | |
AKROYD-STUART, Herbert (Mr) | 1864-1927
(ADB) (CP) |
Mechanical Engineer and Inventor
Invented fuel injection system adopted by Hornsby
Partner Saunders and Stuart | |
BROCKWAY, Walter St Clair (Mr) | 1864-1941
(CWA) (CP) |
Municipal Engineer and Consulting Engineer
JP |
Inaugural Auditor WAIE
WAIE Council 1912-1914 |
Municipal Engineer Claremont
Municipal Engineer Cottesloe Mayor Claremont Town Clerk Claremont |
EDMISTON, Hugh (Mr) | 1864-1951
(CP) |
Electrical Engineer and Consulting Engineer
AMIEAust |
Founding Member of WAIE
WAIE Council 1913-1919 |
Electrified BHP Mine Broken Hill
Partner in Palmer, Strothers and Edmiston Managed pipelaying and jointing plant on the Coolgardie Pipeline Perth City Electrical Engineer |
HANCOCK, William John (Dr) | 1864-1931
(ADB) |
Electrical Engineer and Radiologist
MIEE MICE MIEAust (Honorary Doctorate of Science UWA 1924) |
Founding member WAIE
WAIE Council 1912-1917 WAIE President 1917-1918 |
Constructed a telephone system in Dublin
Pioneered telephony and radiology in WA UWA Senate 1915-1927 |
ILES John Maguire (Mr) |
1864-1934 | Mining Engineer MAusIME MIMM |
Manager of the West Cumberland Tin Mine Tasmania Manager of the South Good Intent & Ontario Silver Mining Company Tasmania | |
MAITLAND, Andrew Gibb (Mr) | 1864-1951
(CWA) (ADB) |
Civil Engineer and Geologist
WAIE Councillor
WAIE Vice President 1915-1917 |
Government Geologist 1896-1926 |
OLDHAM, Frederick Hugh (Mr) | 1864-1939
(CWA) |
Civil Engineer
Founding Councillor of WAIE
WAIE Vice President 1911-1912 WAIE President 1913-1914 |
District Engineer Goldfields Water Supply
Engineer for Water Supply and Sewerage PWD |
SHAW, Walter Bernard (Mr) | 1864-1941 | Engineer and Surveyor | Founding Secretary WAIE
WAIE Secretary 1910-1919 |
Secretary WA Institution of Engineers
Secretary WA Institution of Surveyors Member WA Town Planning Association Council Secretary Builders and Contractors Association Member Executive Council WA Mining Association |
O’BRIEN, Percy Vincent (Mr) | 1865-1950
(BAS) (CWA) |
Civil Engineer
WAIE Council, 1910-1911, 1913-1918
Vice President 1918-1919 |
Chief Engineer of Mines
PWD Engineer Goldfields and Northern Areas Chief Engineer Water Supply Gold Medal Winner ICE |
CARLIN, Ernest Herbert (Mr) | 1865-1941
(CP) |
Civil Engineer and Engineering Surveyor | Founding Member WAIE
WAIE Auditor 1913-1914 WAIE Council 1914-1919 |
Resident Engineer Fremantle Harbour
Engineer Fremantle Harbour Trust Engineer Harbours and Rivers PWD |
EVANS, Ernest Alfred (Mr) | 1865-1941
(CWA) (CP) |
Mechanical Engineer
Founding Councillor of the WAIE
WAIE President 1916-1917 |
Workshop Manager Fremantle WAGR
Workshop Manager Midland WAGR Railways Commissioner 1929-1932 |
FENTON, Ernest Alexander (Mr) | 1865-1954 | Civil Engineer and Licensed Surveyor, MWAIE MISWA | Founding Member WAIE | Resident Engineer Mundaring Weir
Consulting Engineer and Land Surveyor Prospector |
ARNEY, Arthur Edward (Mr) | 1865-1940
(CP) |
Civil Engineer and Surveyor
Founding Member WAIE
WAIE Council 1917-1918 |
Undertook survey from Port Hedland to Esperance
Engineer for Irrigation and Drainage PWD |
BABINGTON, Charles Henry (Mr) | 1866-1947
(CP) |
Civil Engineer and Surveyor
AMIEAust |
Founding Associate Member WAIE
WAIE Council 1919-1920 |
Member of 1901 Transcontinental Rail Survey
Surveyed Southern Cross Menzies railway Member Wiluna Railways Advisory Board |
BREGENZER, Henry (Mr) | 1866-1928 | Civil Engineer
Foundation Member WAIE
WAIE Auditor 1914-1917 |
Engineer Port Hedland to Marble Bar Railway
Worked for Millars Karri and Jarrah Company Vice President Australian Association of Civil Engineers |
BRIMAGE, Thomas Frederick Outridge (Mr) | 1866-1915 | Consulting Engineer
Apprentice South Australian Railways
Draughtsman South Australian Railways Consulting Engineer Coolgardie Vice President WA Mine Managers Assn. Mayor Kalgoorlie Member of the WA Legislative Council | |
CORBOULD, William Henry (Mr) | 1866-1949
(ADB) |
Mining Engineer
Manager Hannan’s Reward Mine
Foundation Member Chamber of Mines WA Floated Mt Isa Mines | |
Louis (Mr) |
(CP) |
Civil Engineer and Surveyor | Founding Member of WAIE
WAIE Auditor 1913-1919 |
Engineering surveyor
Resident Engineer East Perth Powerhouse District Engineer Northam WAGR |
ALLEN, Francis Bowen (Mr) | 1867-1952
(CWA) (CP) |
Education Director
MA, BSc, ASM (Otago) MAustIMM |
Director Coolgardie School of Mines
Founded Kalgoorlie School of Mines 1904 Director of Technical Schools 1906-1928 | |
DARKER, John William (Mr) | 1867-1925
(CWA) (CP) |
Rail Engineer | Founding Councillor of the WAIE
WAIE Council 1914-1919 |
Chief Draughtsman Railways Construction Branch
Locomotive Engineer Engineer Rail Construction |
Edward Hussey Burgh (Mr) |
1867-1930 | Mining Surveyor
Land Surveyor Consulting Engineer BA BCE FISWA MIMS MAustIMM |
Mining Surveyor Kalgoorlie/Bulong
Mayor of Bulong Consulting Engineer to Woodline Companies Consulting Engineer White Hope Mine Surveyor Hampton Estate Surveyor Kendenup Estate Fellow of Institute of Surveyors WA | |
ROBERTSON, Horace Patrick (Mr) | 1867 | Civil Engineer
Mine Manager MCE AMICE MIMM JP |
Assistant Shire Engineer Dundas (Victoria)
Irrigation Engineer Western Wimmera Irrigation Trust (Victoria) Shire Engineer Tambo (Victoria) Principal Assistant Engineer Sewerage and Town Water Supply Branch PWD Consulting Engineer Mine Manager Lake View and Boulder Junction Gold Mine Manager Mount Elliott Copper Mine Cloncurry (Queensland) Manager Gwalia Consolidated Mines | |
BREGENZER, Herman (Mr) | 1868-1949
(CP) |
Civil Engineer
AMIEAust |
Assistant Engineer Water Supply PWD
District Engineer PWD Kalgoorlie | |
BROADBENT, Herbert (Mr) | 1868-1945
(CWA) (CP) |
Electrical and Mechanical Engineer
Founding Member WAIE | Manager Electric Light Dept at Perth Gas and Electric Light Co
Inspector of Munitions UK |
George William Richard (Mr) |
(CP) |
Mechanical Engineer
Founding Member WAIE | Supervising Engineer for J. Simpson and Co on Goldfields Water Supply project
Machinery Superintendent Goldfields PWD |
Charles James (Mr) |
(CWA) |
Mechanical Engineer and Civil Engineer
Founding Member WAIE
WAIE Council 1912-1914 |
State Inspector of Machinery
Member State Committee of Engineering Standards |
LAWSON, Frederick Washington (Major) | 1869-1924
(CWA) (BAS) |
Civil and Mechanical Engineer
Founding Councillor of the WAIE and WAIE Vice President 1914-1918
Inaugural IEAust Vice President WA Division Chairman 1920 |
Engineer Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage |
Herbert Augustine (Mr) |
1869-1963 | Civil Engineer | Foundation Member WAIE
1929 WA Division Chairman IEAust Councillor |
District Engineer Railways Geraldton
District Engineer Railways Coolgardie Chief Civil Engineer WAGR |
Joseph Francis (Mr) |
(CWA) (ADB) |
Civil Engineer and Architect
Works Manager Henry Simon Ltd
Assistant Engineer Fremantle Harbor Works Designed and built ship “Westaustralian” Partner Allen & Nicholas Architects Member East Fremantle Tramways Board Chair Rottnest Island Board | |
ANDREW, James (Mr) | 1870-1946
(CP) |
Gas Engineer
MIEAust |
Founding Member of WAIE
WA Division Treasurer 1921-1925 WA Division Chairman 1926 IE Aust Councillor |
Engineer and Manager for Perth Gas Co
Gas Engineer Perth City Council Director Yellow Cabs (WA) Ltd |
GLEESON, Edmond (or Edmund) Francis Gerald (Mr) | 1870-1916 | Civil Engineer; BCE MILGEA JP | Assistant Resident Engineer Mundaring Weir; District Engineer, Coolgardie; Consulting Engineer; Shire Engineer Minhamite (Vic) | |
SHIELDS, William Herbert (Mr) | 1870-1955
(BAS) |
Civil Engineer,
Consulting Engineer and Grazier BSc MICE MIEAust |
Founding Member of WAIE
WA Division Chairman 1922 IEAust Councillor |
Assistant Engineer PWD
Recognised the value of Rock Catchments east of Northam Invented the multiple arched dam Rabbit Proof Fence Inspector Designed a Graving Dock for Fremantle Managing Director Glenvar Pastoral Co |
George Foster (Mr) |
(CP) |
Civil Engineer
Founding Member WAIE | District Engineer North West PWD
District Engineer South West PWD Resident Engineer Sewerage and Drainage Works MWSS&DD |
REYNOLDSON, William Coates (Mr) | 1870-1942
(CWA) |
Civil Engineer
Founding WAIE Trustee
Vice President 1910-1914 |
Chief Engineer Goldfields Water Supply |
Charles George (Mr) |
1871-1950 | Company Director and Property Developer | Founding Member WAIE
WAIE Council 1916-1919 |
Manager Westralia Iron Works
Commissioner Fremantle Harbour Trust Director Clyde Engineering Company Director Chippendale Estates Ltd |
Ernest William (Mr) |
(ADB) |
Mechanical Engineer
Foundation Associate Member WAIE | Founder Tomlinson Bros with his brother Edward then Managing Director
Built William Street Horseshoe Bridge Member WA Munitions Board |
AKROYD-STUART, Charles Henry (Mr) | 1873-1941
(CP) |
Mechanical Engineer and inventor
WAIE Member | Involved in electrifying Yallingup Caves
Invented a type of pipe joint Pioneered steel framed construction in WA |
DAVIDSON Allan Arthur (Mr) |
1873-1930 | Metallurgist Mining Engineer Explorer |
Manager Central Australian Exploration Company Manager Richmond Gold Mine Day Dawn | |
PARR, John (Jack) (Mr) | 1873-1959
(BAS) |
Civil Engineer
WAIE Council 1915-1919
Vice President 1919-1920 IEAust Councillor |
District Engineer Goldfields Water Supply
Chief Engineer Water Supply Sewerage and Drainage Dept Gold Medal Winner ICE |
HOOVER, Herbert Clark (President) | 1874-1964
(ADB) |
Mining Engineer
BA (Geology) |
Inspecting Engineer Australia for Bewick Moreing & Co 1897-1898
1901 Partner Bewick Moreing & Co President USA 1929-1933 | |
TINDALE, Edward (Mr) | 1874-1943
(TVL) (BAS) |
Civil Engineer
Engineer for the North West PWD
Chairman MRD Board 1926-1930 Director of Works and Commissioner of MRD 1930-1941 | |
GARDAM, Joseph Robert Woodruffe (Mr) | 1874-1948 | Electrical Engineer
WAIE Council 1911-1918
WAIE President 1918-1919 IEAust Councillor |
President NSW Electrical Association
Manager Noyes Bros WA Principal Gardam and Co Electrical Engineers and Contractors Vice President RACWA |
CROCKER, Claude Edward (Mr) | 1875-1929 | Mechanical Engineer
Electrical Engineer MIME MIEE MIEAust |
Founding Member WAIE
WAIE President 1920-1921 WA WA Division Chairman 1924 IEAust National President 1926 |
Early power engineer at Kalgoorlie and Perth
Perth City Electrical Engineer General Manager Electricity and Gas Department Perth City Council |
WHITFELD, Hubert Edwin (Professor) | 1875-1939
(ADB) |
Mining Engineer BA (Hons) BE MIMM CBE MIEAust |
WA Institution of Engineers Council 1914-1920
WA Division Chairman 1921 |
UWA Foundation Professor of Mining and Engineering
First appointed Vice Chancellor UWA in 1927 UWA Senate 1922-1925 |
KLUG, George Charles (Mr) | 1875-1935 | Metallurgist and
Mining Engineer ASASM MIMM MIMMAmer MAusIMM |
Nominated by the WA Division of the Institution of Engineers in 1937 as one of the nine most outstanding engineers in Western Australia | Chief Chemist, Assayer and Assistant Metallurgist BHP
Metallurgist Golden Horse shoe Estates Co Manager Fremantle Smelting Works Manager Phillips River Gold and Cooper Co Consultant Engineer to the Mt Cattlin Copper Mining Co General Manager Bewick Moreing Australia Director Zinc Corporation Director Electrolytic Zinc of Australia Director Gold Mines of Australia |
STILEMAN, Francis William Harold (Mr) | 1876-1938
(BAS) |
Civil Engineer
WA Division Chairman 1930
IEAust Councillor |
Resident Engineer Barrow Shipyard
Resident Engineer West Wemymss Dock Extension Consulting Engineer Middlesbrough Engineer in Chief PWD 1925-1930 UWA Senate Member 1928-1930 Resident Engineer Humber Bridge Chief Engineer Dredging and Construction Co UK |
Augustus William De Rohan (Mr) |
1876-1957 | Civil Engineer and Architect
Member WA Division Committee
Deputised as IEAust Councillor |
Director of Public Works Zanzibar
Royal Australian Navy Civil Engineer Engineer Perth City Council Christchurch City Engineer and Surveyor |
Joshua Fielden (Mr) |
(BAS) (ADB) |
Civil Engineer
WAIE Council 1913-1914 | Reviewed design of Fremantle Graving Dock and extensions to WA ports
Advised on Cockburn Sound Naval Base Director of Commonwealth Lighthouses Member Barrier Reef Committee |
WILLIAMS, Leslie Ballesat (Mr) | 1878-1942 | BA, BE, MAIM, MIMM Mining Engineer and Mine Manager |
Field Engineer Bewick Moreing Superintendent Queen of the Hills Gold Mine Meekatharra | |
Walter Kirkwood (Mr) |
1879-1961 | Civil Engineer
MIEAust |
Foundation Associate Member WAIE
Committee Member WA Division |
Engineer in Charge Goldfields Water Supply PWD |
Richard Cunliffe (Mr) |
1879-1950 | Mining Engineer
BSc BE MInstMM |
Manager North End Mine
Manager Hampton Goldmining State Mining Engineer 1934-1945 | |
George Dalgleish (Mr) |
1879-1950 | Mechanical Engineer
WAIE Auditor 1919-1920 | Engineer in Charge Pumps Stations Perth Water Supply |
Horace Hill (Mr) |
1879-1944 | Municipal Engineer
JP |
33 years Town Clerk and Engineer at Town of East Fremantle | |
Arthur Cecil (Mr) |
(CP) |
Quantity Surveyor, Engineering Assistant and Civil Engineer
WA Division Chairman 1927 | Engineering Assistant WAGR
Assistant Engineer WAGR Construction Engineer PWD |
Poul Herman (Professor) |
1880-1948 | Electrical Engineer
WA Division Chairman 1935 | Consul for Denmark
Associate Professor UWA Head of Electrical Engineering UWA |
MOORE, Bertie Harcourt (Dr) |
1880-1947 | BSc BE ME DSc FSASM FACI MAIMME Metallurgist and Mining Engineer |
Registrar Port Pirie School of Mines Principal Kalgoorlie School of Mines | |
ATWELL Harold George (Mr) |
1882-1955 | AMWAIE MLGHE Civil Engineer and Municipal Engineer |
Assistant Engineer PWD Assistant Engineer MWSS&D | |
Archibald Muir (Mr) |
(BAS) (CP) |
Civil Engineer
MIEAust |
Founding Associate Member WAIE
WA Division Chairman 1928 |
Resident Engineer Herdsman Lake Drainage |
TAYLOR, William Henry (Mr) |
1883-1963 | Electrical Engineer
WAIE Council 1917-1920 | Deputy Engineer and Tramways Engineer Walthamstow Council Electrical Superintendent Tramways Perth |
John Stevenson (Mr) |
1883-1955 | Civil Engineer
Worked on Alexandra Dock Bombay
Engineer Harbours and Rivers PWD 1925-1948 Designed Bunbury and Geraldton Harbours Designed Fremantle Slipway Involved with Grain Bulk Handling facilities at Fremantle and Bunbury Marine Defence Works Cockburn Sound and Fremantle | |
Joseph (Mr) |
1884-1963 | Mechanical Engineer
AMIEAust |
Founding Member WAIE
WAIE Council 1919-1920 |
Manager Steel Branch Elders Smith
General Manager Structural Engineering Co. 1929-1949 |
HILLMAN, Arthur James (Captain) | 1884-1922 | Civil Engineer
Founding Associate Member WAIE
Perth Division IEAust Councillor |
Early Cadet Engineer PWD 1902
Engineer No 3 Australian Tunnelling Company Assistant Engineer PWD |
Alfred (Professor) |
1884-1925 | Civil Engineer and Lecturer
MSc(Eng)Hons MStructE AMICE MIEAust MCI |
WAIE Council 1917-1920
WAIE Secretary 1920 Foundation WA Division Secretary 1920-1922 WA Division Chairman 1923 IEAust National Councillor 1924-1925 |
Assistant Engineer Lancashire and Yorkshire Rail Company
Engineering Assistant WAGR Associate Lecturer Kalgoorlie School of Mines Associate Professor UWA Dean of Engineering UWA |
DRAKE BROCKMAN, Geoffrey (Brigadier) | 1885-1977
(BAS) |
Civil Engineer
MC MIEAust |
WA Division Chairman 1937
IEAust National President 1940 |
Engineer for the North West PWD
Chairman WA Transport Board |
CAREY, Theophilus Mattingly (Mr) | 1885-1963 | Civil and Electrical Engineer
WAIE Council 1919-1920
WA Representative at First IE Aust Council Meeting 1919 WA Division Chairman 1925 SA Division Deputy Chairman 1927 IEAust Councillor |
Electrical Engineer Mt Lyell Mining and Railway Co.
Perth City Council (Electrical Engineer) Manager SA Branch Hume Pipe Chief Engineer Zinc Corporation Chief Engineer Australian Newsprint Mills |
DUMAS, Russell John (Sir) | 1887-1975
(ADB) (BAS) |
Civil Engineer
Electrical Engineer BSc DipElecE BE ME CMG KB KBE(C) Hon FIEAust |
WA Division Chairman 1932
Sir Peter Nicol Russell Medal 1952 Warren Memorial Prize 1942 Honorary Fellow 1966 |
Pre eminent Dam Engineer
Developed Kwinana Industrial Area Champion for the Ord River Scheme Director of Engineering and Works 1941-1952 Coordinator of Industrial Development UWA Senate 1943-1945 |
FOXALL, John Stuart (Mr) | 1887-1967
(CP) |
Mine Surveyor and Mining Engineer
BE MIEAust |
WA Division Chairman 1941 | Head Surveyor Sons of Gwalia
State Mining Engineer |
ELLIS, Joseph Arthur (Mr) | 1887-1973
(CP) |
Civil Engineer
WA Division Chairman 1931 | Engineer Rail Construction
Commissioner of Railways Director and Chairman Western Collieries Director Tomlinson Steel Member UWA Senate |
BRISBANE, David William (Mr) | 1888–1960
(ADB) |
Civil Engineer
President Engineering Association of Malaya | Divisional Engineer for Construction Federated Malay States Railways
Managing Director Fogden and Brisbane & Co Civil Contractors Singapore General Manager Midland Railway Chairman Midland Railway (WA Board) Chairman WA Newspapers Chairman BP Refinery Kwinana Board Member Commonwealth Bank Board |
Bernard Santo (Mr) |
(BAS) (CP) |
Civil Engineer
Resident Engineer Cardiff Water Works
Hydraulic Engineer PWD Proponent of the Comprehensive Agricultural Water Supply Scheme Assistant Director of Works PWD | |
Stanley (Lieutenant) |
(CP) |
Mechanical Engineer
MIEAust |
WA Division Chairman 1947 | Partner Flower Davies Johnson |
BENNETT, Harold Bruce (Colonel) |
1889 | Mechanical Engineer
Founding Student Member WAIE | Chief Engineer Tasmanian Railways
General Manager Tasmanian Railways Director of Industrial Development Tasmania |
CAVANAGH Righton John Vaughan (Mr) |
1892-1957 | Civil Engineer BE MIEAust MC |
Resident Engineer Bickley Brook Reservoir Resident Engineer Churchman’s Brook Reservoir | |
GODFREY, Ernest William Clifford (Mr and Captain) |
(TVL) |
Civil Engineer
BCE MIE Aust |
WA Division Chairman 1946 | Bridge Design Engineer MRD 1928-1957
Fremantle Traffic Bridge 1939 Causeway Bridges 1952 Eyre Highway and Stirling Highway |
OLDHAM, Edward Hugh (Lieutenant) |
(CP) |
Civil Engineer
MIEAust |
WA Division Chairman 1941
WA Division Secretary and Treasurer |
Senior Engineer Water Supply MWS
President Perth Legacy Club |
ROSENBERG, Julius Meyer (Mr) | 1894-1979 | Electrical Engineer
MM MIEAust |
WA Division Chairman 1951 | Chief Engineer Atkins (WA) Ltd
Associate Director Atkins (WA) Ltd |
William Alexander (Lieutenant) |
(CP) |
Civil Engineer
ME MIEAust |
WA Division Chairman 1939 | Member Standard Gauge Railway Advisory Board
Chief Civil Engineer WAGR |
EDMONDSON, Francis Charles (Frank) (Mr) |
1895-1980 | Electrical Engineer AWASM FIEAust MIEE MIGasE FAIEE |
WA Division Chairman 1934 | General Manager Electricity and Gas Department Perth City Council Inaugural Deputy Chair SECWA |
FIELD, Charles Thomas Ross (Mr and Lt Col) |
1895-1942 | Civil Engineer AMIEAust MLC |
Resident Engineer Broome Director of Public Works Australia Mandated Territory of New Guinea | |
George Malcolm Prescott (Lieutenant) |
1895-1991 | Electrical Engineer
FIEAust |
WA Division Chairman 1957 | Electrical Engineer William Adams and Co |
CULLITY, Thomas (Mr) | 1896-1977 | BE, CBE
Civil Engineer and Company Director |
Founder and Managing Director Cullity Timber Founder and Managing Director Westralian Plywoods | |
George Sidney James (Mr) |
(CP) |
Civil Engineer
WA Division Chairman 1933 | Engineer at City of Perth
WA Manager Vacuum Oil Co. Member UWA Senate UWA Warden of Convocation |
STICHT, Robert Carl (Mr) and (Lieutenant) |
1896-1958 | BSc
Chemical and Mechanical Engineer |
Chief Engineer Mount Lyell
Chief Engineer CBH Chief Engineer Commonwealth Fertilisers Chemicals Ltd Designed elevators and bulk storage for CBH Designed CBH H Bin Construction Engineer Picton Superphosphate Works Design and Construction Engineer Albany Superphosphate Works | |
BLAKEY, Othman Frank (Professor) |
(CP) |
Civil Engineer
Structural Engineer MIEAust BE (Hons), ME |
National President 1945
WA Division Chairman 1936 and 1942 IEAust Councillor 1938-1952 |
Foundation Professor of Civil Engineering UWA |
William George Inglis (Mr) |
(ADB) (CP) |
Electrical Engineer
WA Division Chairman 1956 | Head Engineering Perth Technical College
Director of Technical Education Proponent of WAIT (later Curtin) |
LEACH, John Digby (Mr) | 1897-1966
(TVL) |
Civil Engineer
B Sc (Eng) CBE(C) MIEAust |
National President 1964
WA Division Chairman 1949 |
Commissioner of Main Roads 1952-1964
UWA Senate 1961-1966 |
MILLS, Frederick (Mr) | 1897-1949
(CP) |
Mechanical Engineer
WA Division Chair 1945 | Locomotive Design Draughtsman WAGR
Chief Mechanical Engineer WAGR |
FERNIE, Norman (Mr) | 1898-1977
(ADB) |
Civil Engineer
WA Division Chairman 1943
R W Chapman Medal 1935 |
District Engineer Northam PWD
Director Industrial Development UWA Senate 1943-1945 Director Griffin Coal |
KENWORTHY, Frank Morrison (Major) | 1899-1976
(CP) |
Civil Engineer
WA Division Chairman 1948 | Chief Engineer MWSS&DD
Member Metropolitan Region Planning Authority Member MWSS&DD Board |
YOUNG, James White (Mr) | 1899-1966 | Civil Engineer
WA Division Chairman 1938 | District Engineer Metropolitan Area MRD
Commissioner MRD 1941-1953 Director PWD 1953-1962 |
(Abbreviation) | Description |
(ADB) | Australian Dictionary of Biography available at |
(BAS) | Building a State – The story of the Public Works Department of Western Australia 1829 1985, JSH Le Page, Water Authority of Western Australia WA, 1986 |
(BLOHE) | Battye Library Oral Histories of Engineers, refer Oral History Program Interviewees |
(CP) | Cumming Papers |
(CWA) | Cyclopedia of Western Australia, Volume 1 and 2, JS Battye, WA 1912 |
(DJT) | Dr John Taylor |
(S&M) | Sappers and Miners |
(TLV) | The Vital Link – a history of Main Roads in Western Australia 1926 1996, Leigh Edmonds, WA UWA Press 1997 |
(WITW) | Walker in the Wilderness – the life of RJ Anketell, J Anketell, Hesperian Press, WA 1988 |
Other sources include the National Library of Australia Digital Newspapers at and the National Archives Australia at