Distinguished Engineers

From Engineering Heritage Australia

Most State Branches of Engineering Heritage Australia have developed lists of engineers in their State who have demonstrated outstanding professional achievement and made a significant contribution to the community. Lists that are available are as follows:

State Eminent Engineers Hall of Fame EA National Presidents Division Presidents Honorary Fellows Other
Australian Capital Territory
New South Wales
Northern Territory
Queensland Eminent QLD Engineers Vol 1
Eminent QLD Engineers Vol 2
QLD Hall of Fame QLD Presidents
South Australia SA Hall of Fame SA EA Presidents SA Presidents
Tasmania TAS Presidents
Western Australia National Arboretum
Eminent Engineers
Pin Oak Forest
Prominent engineers born before 1900
Prominent engineers born after 1900
WA EA Presidents WAIE Presidents
WA Presidents
WA ACEA Chairman
WA Honorary Fellows WAIE Committee
WAIE WW1 Honour Roll

WA Governors and Members of Parliament
WA Women Engineers

Anything is possible - 100 Australian engineering leaders

As part of its centenary celebrations in 2019, Engineers Australia published a book with support from Engineering Heritage Australia that tells the stories of 100 engineers that made a difference in Australia. The book is available for purchase from Engineers Australia.

A list of the engineers included in this book is available here.

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