Engineering Heritage Australia Bulletin - Series Ø

From Engineering Heritage Australia

Available copies from #21 to #42 cover the period from October 2001 to August 2003. At this stage it is not known when they started or ceased. Advice from Bill Jordan is that these bulletins were published to supplement the larger EHA Newsletter which ran from October 1992 to October 2012.

No. Link to Bulletin Table of Contents (Most editions include a Calendar of Events)
042 28 August 2003 Timber Bridge Strategy: Roads & Traffic Authority NSW
Dating Photographs
New Commonwealth Heritage Act Passed
Draft UNESCO Declaration concerning the Intentional Destruction of the Cultural Heritage
Adelaide Heritage Conservation Seminar - The Conservation of Cemetery Sites
Protecting Heritage Places: On-line Course
On Line Transcripts of First Fleeter’s

Trials Available
Video Streaming Takes Off in Queensland

041 2 August 2003 ASHET, not only for engineers by Ian Arthur
Sydney ‘Trig’ Survey
The Physics of Hell!!
040 12 July 2003 New Policies for Museums
Seventh Australasian Urban History/Planning History Conference 2004
Workshop on Monitoring for Preventive Conservation
Preliminary Draft Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage Finalized
The Rocks Heritage Management Plan
039 29 June 2003 Queensland Heritage Council Misses Story Bridge Development Application
Historic Homestead on the Market
National law on heritage
Twelfth National Engineering Heritage Conference, Toowoomba Queensland 29 September to 1 October 2003
038 26 May 2003 ‘Roy’ the Steam Engine Wins Heritage Award
Sydney Harbour’s Foreshore Industrial Heritage
New Heritage Award : John Monash Medal
037 11 May 2003 Community Heritage Grants 2003
Copyright, Moral Rights and Privacy
Engineering Heritage Awards
035 18 March 2003 A new society for history of engineering and technology
Dam removal picks up steam in northern USA
Heyfield is world class
Institution recognises historic Tasmanian bridge
Historic bridge unearthed below flow of city's thickest traffic
034 February 2023 Devastation at Mount Stromlo Observatory, Canberra
Vale Alan Frost
032 12 December 2002 Amendment of Commonwealth Heritage Legislation
Keeping heritage beyond politics
Sydney’s Forgotten Coal Mine
Outcomes of

Engineering Heritage Australia Meeting 15 November 2002

031 15 August 2002 PHEW!
The Waterways Trust Virtual Catalogue
Primary Information Sources
Construction of the Iron Bridge
Tendering for Oral History Projects
030 July 2002 English Heritage
Inland Rivers Network and the Removal of Dams and Weirs
029 23 July 2002 NSW Heritage Manual Update
Proposed Commonwealth Heritage Regime
028 27 June 2002 Heritage Bridges
Newcomen Downunder
Australian Biography Film Project and National Engineering Oral History Program
027 9 May 2002 Archivists Annual Conference 2002 16-17 August 2002
Twentieth Century Heritage
Does Heritage Make Good Economic Sense?
Beacons by the Sea
Heritage Trades Training
Rare Engineering Books
Biographical dictionary of civil engineers in Great Britain and Ireland 1500 - 1830
First International Congress on Construction History Madrid 20-24 January 2003
026 24 April 2002 Macquarie Field House
The Euro and Engineering Heritage
Dictionary of New Zealand Biography
Studies in the History of Civil Engineering
025 24 March 2002 Gold Mining Heritage Website
Burra Charter Video
No more accountants running the railways
021 23 October 2001 IEAust Trading Name
Plaquing of John Foord Bridge, Corowa
Australia's Bicentennial National Trail
Roman waterworks unearthed in London
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