Anything is possible: 100 Australian engineering leaders

From Engineering Heritage Australia

As part of its centenary celebrations in 2019, Engineers Australia published a book with support from Engineering Heritage Australia that tells the stories of 100 engineers that made a difference in Australia. The book is available for purchase from Engineers Australia.

A list of the engineers included in this book is below:

Name Tag Section Page #
Austin, Colin Re-Shaping the Mould Globalisation p. 119
Baker, David The Man of Steel Manufacturing and Resource Development p. 35
Bishop, Arthur An Inventive Mind Resourcefulness Through Isolation p. 48
Boughton, Geoff Against the Wind A Coherent Profession p. 57
Bradfield, Bill The Air Apparent Globalisation p. 114
Bradfield, John Bradfield's Bridge Consolidating State Infrastructure p. 20
Brady, Joseph On the Waterfront Breaking New Ground in the Colonies p. 10
Breaking Old Ground Our First Engineers First Engineers p. 2
Burley, Sir Victor The Chocolate Soldier Manufacturing and Resource Development p. 38
Butters, Sir John A Capital Idea Federating a Nation p. 62
Calder, William Roads Well Travelled Consolidating State Infrastructure p. 18
Callinan, Sir Bernard A Life of Service Development Through Consulting and Contracting p. 78
Chaffey, George Bringing New Land to Life Breaking New Ground in the Colonies p. 12
Challis, Louis Sound Ideas The Changing Face of Engineering p. 88
Cheng, Marita No Ordinary Gal The Changing Face of Engineering p. 97
Clapp, Sir Harold A Man of Vision Consolidating State Infrastructure p. 21
Clifford, Robert The Fast Cat Track Globalisation p. 120
Clough, Harold Shaping the Wild West Development Through Consulting and Contracting p. 81
Cockbain, Peter A Spart of Interest Manufacturing and Resource Development p. 39
Cole, Martin Where There's Smoke Globalisation p. 121
ColeBatch, Gordon Transforming a State A Coherent Profession p. 56
Connell, John The Convenor Development Through Consulting and Contracting p. 77
Dawes, William A True Pioneer First Engineers p. 4
de Burgh, Ernest Macartney Bridging the Gap Breaking New Ground in the Colonies p. 15
Delprat, Guillaume A Life Well Lived Manufacturing and Resource Development p. 33
Dumas, Sir Russell The Basis of Civilisation Consolidating State Infrastructure p. 24
East, Sir Ronald Water in his Veins Consolidating State Infrastructure p. 26
Eddington, Sir Rod A High Flying Leader Endless Leadership Possibilities p. 106
Every Engineer Many Traits in Common Globalisation p. 126
Fagg, Kathryn Passion to Lead Endless Leadership Possibilities p. 110
Fane, Anthony The High Water Mark The Changing Face of Engineering p. 89
Farrell, Peter A Sleeping Giant The Changing Face of Engineering p. 93
Ferguson, Mephan A master in Iron and Steel Manufacturing and Resource Development p. 31
Fewtrell, Albert The Major General Consolidating State Infrastructure p. 22
Finkel, Alan The Science of Engineering Leadership Endless Leadership Possibilities p. 107
Fisk, Sir Ernest A Giant Amongst Peers Manufacturing and Resource Development p. 37
Ford, Robert Gray Before his Time Resourcefulness Through Isolation p. 44
Fraser, Keith The Third Generation Federating a Nation p. 66
Grill, John Thinking Big Globalisation p. 122
Hammer, Julie A Career of Firsts Federating a Nation p. 73
Hargrave, Lawrence Defying Gravity Resourcefulness Through Isolation p. 45
Harrison, Eric Father of the RAAF Federating a Nation p. 63
Holland, Sir John A Wide Footprint Development Through Consulting and Contracting p. 79
Holt, Sir James A Pioneer of Flood Mitigation Consolidating State Infrastructure p. 25
Hudson, Sir William The Father of the Snowy Development Through Consulting and Contracting p. 76
Jameson, Graeme The Bubbles Evolution Globalisation p. 118
Julius, Sir George The Each-Way Engineer A Coherent Profession p. 54
Kanga, Marlene An Inquisitive Path A Coherent Profession p. 58
Kelleher, Graeme A Valuable Footprint The Changing Face of Engineering p. 87
Kemp, Sir John An Eye to the North Federating a Nation p. 68
Kernot, William An Early Pioneer A Coherent Profession p. 52
Knight, Sir Allan A Life in Power Consolidating State Infrastructure p. 27
Lange, Ben Family Ties The Changing Face of Engineering p. 96
Lawson, Bill A Beacon of Hope The Changing Face of Engineering p. 92
Lennox, David Breaking New Ground First Engineers p. 5
Lewis, Essington The Worker Federating a Nation p. 65
Loder, Sir Louis Thinking Big Federating a Nation p. 69
Madsen, Sir John A Unique Mind A Coherent Profession p. 55
McDonald, Sir Warren A Civil Banker Endless Leadership Possibilities p. 101
McKenzie, Florence A Career of 'Firsts' The Changing Face of Engineering p. 86
McLennan, Sir Ian A Steely Conscience Endless Leadership Possibilities p. 102
Michael, Ken The Road to Government House Endless Leadership Possibilities p. 105
Michell, Anthony A Man of Brilliance Resourcefulness Through Isolation p. 46
Milevskiy, Errol Strength of Character A Coherent Profession p. 59
Monash, Sir John An Australian Giant Consolidating State Infrastructure p. 19
Murphy, Susan A Leading Chief Executive Endless Leadership Possibilities p. 109
Neal, Sir Eric A Life of Service Endless Leadership Possibilities p. 103
Nimmo, William Ahead of his Time Consolidating State Infrastructure p. 23
Nutt, John The Shell Game Development Through Consulting and Contracting p. 83
O'Connor, Charles Yelverton Creating a Landline Breaking New Ground in the Colonies p. 13
O'Kane, Mary Appetite for Knowledge Endless Leadership Possibilities p. 108
O'Keeffe, Brian A Safe Approach Globalisation p. 117
O'Sullivan, John The WI-FI Guy The Changing Face of Engineering p. 91
Parbo, Sir Arvi The Mining Magnate Endless Leadership Possibilities p. 104
Potter, Charles A Mixed and Malted Career Manufacturing and Resource Development p. 34
Price, Doug The Snowy Graduate Globalisation p. 116
Roberts, Caleb A Keen Intellect Federating a Nation p. 67
Rowland, Sir James In Command Federating a Nation p. 70
Russell, Sir Peter Nicol A Proud Engineering Legacy Manufacturing and Resource Development p. 30
Sahajwalla, Veena Caring for the Planet The Changing Face of Engineering p. 95
Salteri, Carlo Family Man, Engineer Development Through Consulting and Contracting p. 80
Sanderson, John A Uniform Figure Federating a Nation p. 72
Selfie, Norman A Prolific Performer Resourcefulness Through Isolation p. 43
Shepherd, Else Entering a Man's World The Changing Face of Engineering p. 90
Sinclair, Bruce The Networker Development Through Consulting and Contracting p. 82
Stiocht, Robert A Burning Desire Manufacturing and Resource Development p. 32
Swinburne, George An Education Benefactor Endless Leadership Possibilities p. 100
Taylor, Elizabeth The Voice, Not the Echo The Changing Face of Engineering p. 94
Taylor, Headlie A Head for Production Manufacturing and Resource Development p. 36
Thomas, Andrew Sky's not the Limit Globalisation p. 124
Thwaites, William Cleaning up a City Breaking New Ground in the Colonies p. 14
Todd, Sir Charles Crossing the Land Breaking New Ground in the Colonies p. 11
Traeger, Alf All Praise Pedal Power Resourcefulness Through Isolation p. 47
Wackett, Sir Lawrence Take to the Air Federating a Nation p. 64
Warman, Charles Mining his Intellect Globalisation p. 115
Warren, William Striving for Excellence A Coherent Profession p. 53
Whitton, John Between the Lines First Engineers p. 6
Williams, Donald By Rail or Sea Federating a Nation p. 71
Wilson, Robert Transforming an Age Globalisation p. 123
Wolseley, Frederick Cutting it Close Resourcefulness Through Isolation p. 42

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