National Arboretum - WA Eminent Engineers Recognition

From Engineering Heritage Australia

Eminent Western Australian Engineers recognised in the International Arboretum, Canberra.

Mr James Thompson BE, MICE, JP

1863-1945, Civil Engineer Founding President WA Institution of Engineers 1910-1911 Prominent rail, water and harbours engineer. Wrote to all other Engineering bodies proposing a national engineering organisation in 1910. WA Chief Engineer (III) 1904-1925.

Prof. Othman Frank Blakey BE(Hons), ME, MIEAust, AMICE

1897-1952, Civil Engineer, Structural Engineer National President 1945, WA Division Chairman 1936 and 1942, Councillor 1938-1952 Associate Professor UWA in 1927-1947. Foundation Professor of Civil Engineering UWA 1947-1952.

Sir Russell John Dumas BSc, DipElecE, BE, ME, CMG, KB, KBE(C), HonFIEAust, MICE

1887-1975, Electrical Engineer, Civil Engineer WA Division Chairman 1932 Pre eminent Dam Engineer. Developed Kwinana Industrial Area. Champion for the Ord River Scheme. Director of Engineering 1941-1952.

Mr Claude Edward Crocker MIMechE, MIEE, MIEAust

1875-1929, Mechanical Engineer, Electrical Engineer National President 1926. WA Institution of Engineers President 1920-1921. WA Division Chairman 1924-1925 Early power engineer at Kalgoorlie and Perth. Foundation member of IEAust. Member WA Council For Industrial Development. Foundation Director of WA Airways and WA Wooden Mills.

Mr Richard John Anketell 1862-1928. Civil Engineer, Surveyor

WA Institution of Engineers Council 1910-1911 Surveyed Trans Australia Line. Prominent rail engineer. Constructed the Rabbit Proof Fence and developed Peel Drainage Scheme Foundation member of the Main Roads Board in 1927 as Deputy Chairman.

Mr Thomas Cowley Hodgson MCS(Master of Civil Engineering)

1858-1939, Hydraulic Engineer Designed and supervised construction of the Goldfields Scheme.

Dr William John Hancock MICE, MIEE. MIEAust, (Honorary Doctorate of Science UWA 1924)

1864-1931, Electrical Engineer and Radiologist WA Institution of Engineers President 1917-1918. Pioneered telephony and radiology in WA. Awarded the first Gold Medal of the WA Royal Society in 1924 for his 22 years work as honorary radiographer at Royal Perth Hospital from 1898-1920. WA Government Electrical Engineer from 1894-1922. Member of the UWA Senate from 1915-1927.

Mr Charles Yelverton O'Connor MICE, CMG

1843-1902, Civil Engineer WA Chief Engineer (I) 1891-1902. Pioneering infrastructure engineer in railways, ports and water supplies.

Prof. Hubert Edwin Whitfeld BA(Hons), BE, ME, MIMM, CBE, MIEAust

1875-1939, Metallurgist, Mining Engineer WA Institution of Engineers Council 1914-1920, WA Division Chairman 1921 UWA Foundation Professor of Mining and Engineering. First appointed Vice Chancellor UWA in 1927.

Mr John Digby Leach BSc(Eng), BE, CBE(C), MIEAust

1897-1966, Civil Engineer National President 1964. WA Division Chairman 1949 Commissioner of Main Roads 1952-1964. Developed low cost roads construction and Kimberley Beef Roads. UWA Senator 1961. President of the Astronomical Society of WA.

A copy of the framed certificate prepared by Engineers Australia Western Australian Division to commemorate this recognition is available here.

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