1920 |
Frederick Washington Lawson |
Missing - May be in SLWA 7843A/1
1921 |
Hubert Edwin Whitfeld |
The Improvements in the Quality of Engineering Materials brought about by recent advances in Metallurgy
1922 |
William Herbert Shields |
1923 |
Alfred Tomlinson |
The Engineering of Men, of Nations
1924 |
Claude Edward Crocker |
1925 |
Theophilus Mattingley Carey |
1926 |
James Andrew |
Missing. Proceedings of Divisions show that James Andrew’s Address was “The Gas Supply of the City of Perth” delivered on 15th of March 1926.
1927 |
Arthur Cecil Hewitt |
Growth and Importance of Engineering
1928 |
Archibald Muir Hutchinson |
The Development of Australia and the Part Played by the Engineer in that Development
1929 |
Herbert Augustine Cresswell |
1930 |
Francis William Harold Stileman |
Registration, Divisional Headquarters and the Economics of Transport by Rail, Shipping and Road
1931 |
Joseph (Jack) Arthur Ellis |
Economics of Transport by Rail, Shipping and Road
1932 |
Russell John Dumas |
Irrigation Developments in South-West Portion of Western Australia
1933 |
George Sidney James Norton |
General Aspects of Oil-Propelled Transport
1934 |
Frank Charles Edmondson |
Institution of Engineers
1935 |
Poul Herman Fraenkel |
1936 |
Othman (Frank) Frank Blakey |
Control of Building Operations by Bye-laws
1937 |
Geoffrey Drake Brockman |
The North-West of Western Australia, the puzzle of its Settlement, some recent developments and some possible solutions of its problems
1938 |
James (Jim) White Young |
The Problem of Traffic and Road Development in Western Australia
1939 |
William Alexander McCullough |
Railway Development in Western Australia
1940 |
John Stuart Foxall |
The Engineer in Mining
1941 |
Edward (Hugh) Hugh Oldham |
Some Aspects of Water Supply Maintenance
1942 |
Othman (Frank) Blakey |
Engineering Education
1943 |
Norman Fernie |
The Engineer and His Position in the Post-War World
1944 |
Howard Middleton |
Future Development of the WA Division and of the Institution
1945 |
Frederick (Fred) Mills |
Railway Mechanical Engineers
1946 |
Ernest William Clifford Godfrey |
The Engineer and the Community
1947 |
Stanley Johnson |
Commercial Side of Engineering, namely Marketing or Sales
1948 |
Frank Morrison Kenworthy |
Development and Population Distribution in the South-West of Western Australia based on Water Supplies
1949 |
John (Digby) Leach |
Some Aspects of Road Economics and Current Research
1950 |
James (Jim) Barcham Jukes |
1951 |
Julius Myer Rosenberg |
The Professional Estate
1952 |
Peter Kennet Wyllie Butterworth |
General Engineering Works - General Survey of the Position of the 'Jobbing' Engineer
1953 |
Charles Searl Paterson |
1954 |
Norman Joseph Henry |
Some Aspects of Dredging
1955 |
Stanley Robert Newsome |
1956 |
William (George) George Inglis Hayman |
1957 |
George (Malcolm) Malcolm Prescott McRae |
The Impact of Engineering on the Community
1958 |
Gordon George Lutz |
Engineering Training in Nuclear Energy
1959 |
James (Jim) Russell Espie |
1960 |
William (Bill) David Benson |
Present State of the Engineering Profession
1961 |
Alan Elmore Raymond Stephenson |
Pride, Planning and Progress
1962 |
John David Gillespie |
Engineering Design
1963 |
Erich Walter Shilbury |
Mathematics, Science, Engineering
1964 |
Francis Albert Winthrop Le Souef |
The Development and Rise of Electrical Supply
1965 |
John (Jack) Joseph Edwards |
Municipal Engineering with Particular Reference to Western Australia
1966 |
William James Gillies |
The Allocation of Electrical Generating Plant for Loading
1967 |
Victor Morgan Hall |
Some Aspects of Education and Training as they Affect the Professional Engineer
1968 |
Francis (Frank) Edmondson |
Re-Organisation of Division Committee Work for the Future
1969 |
Arthur (Harry) Harry Nash |
Australian Engineering Education - An Historical Review and Proposals for Future Development
1970 |
Robert (Bob) Merry Hillman |
Perth's Water Supply
1971 |
Gordon Barratt Hill |
Professional Consulting Engineer
1972 |
Ernest Evelyn Freeth |
30 Years of Diesel Electric Locomotives
1973 |
Reginald Richard Hugh Doran |
Plastics - The Non-Metallic Age
1974 |
Harold Ernest Hunt |
Water Supply - Taken for Granted
1975 |
Albert Henry Tognolini |
The Development of Western Australia's Roads - Changes over the Years
1976 |
Kenneth (Ken) John Kelsall |
A History of the Institution in Western Australia
1977 |
Ian William Steele |
Power in Perspective
1978 |
Peter Forbes Booth |
Engineering in the Pilbara Iron Ore Industry - Ten Years Development and Progress
1979 |
James Lampard Paton |
Engineering Heritage
1980 |
Kenneth (Ken) Campbell Webster |
Reflections on Water
1981 |
Percival (Cam ) Campbell Massey |
The Steel Structure - An Historical Review
1982 |
Michael John Corboy |
Division Headquarters - 1919 to 1983
1983 |
Kenneth (Ken) Cominos Michael |
Bridging the Years - A Short Review of the Development of the Perth Metropolitan Road System
1984 |
Charles (Tony) Anthony Ross Field |
A Brief History of Perth's Water Services
1985 |
Roland John Skevington |
A Brief History of Engineering Education in Western Australia
1986 |
Thomas John Baikie Swanson |
Consulting Engineers - The Early Years
1987 |
Bruce William Stodart James |
Rural Electrification in Western Australia
1988 |
Robert (Bob) Erskine Morrison |
Engineering Change
1989 |
Peter James Scales |
The Engineers Place in the Modern World
1990 |
John Gilbert Wager |
Whither Australia
1991 |
Stanley Nowak |
Engineering - Australia's Future
1992 |
James (Jim) Ian Gill |
Professionalism and the Northern Suburbs Transit System
1993 |
Russell Ian Candy |
Total Quality Management, What's in it for Engineers
1994 |
Charles Alec Oliver Waterton |
Geomechanics - The 'Foundation' of Western Australia
1995 |
Andrew Lawson Yuncken |
Engineering - Past, Present and Future
1996 |
Barry Arthur Clarke |
In Pursuit of the World's Best Road Network Management
1997 |
Douglas (Doug) Bruce McInnes |
Good Engineering
1998 |
Daniel (Dan) Clement Ryan |
To Engineer is Human - The Value of Failures in Successful Engineering Design
1999 |
William (Bill) Richard Marmion |
Missing - May be in SLWA 7843A/2
2000 |
Peter Francis Hopwood |
The Role of Renewable Energy in WA's Economic Future
2001 |
Peter L Lee |
Missing - May be in SLWA 7843A/2
2002 |
Edward (Ed) Royston Scull |
The Intimate Art of Bioengineering (power point slides)
2003 |
Carol Jelley |
Our Excellent Past - Our Excellent Future
2004 |
Stephen (Steve) Hopetoun Algie |
Taking Engineering Out of the 'Back Room'
2005 |
John Kingsley Ruprecht |
Engineering the Future of the Profession
2006 |
John Townley Phillips |
Report on the Division's Activities
2007 |
James (Jim) Martin Brown |
Report on the Division's Activities
2008 |
Lorie Jones |
Pathways to Sustainability Moving Forward
2009 |
Christopher (Chris) Berkeley Fitzhardinge |
The Contribution of 100 Years of Engineering