Engineering Heritage Victoria (EHV) Knowledge Base

From Engineering Heritage Australia

Engineering Heritage Victoria (EHV) is progressively developing this knowledge base to provide a gateway to resources to assist

  • the practice of Heritage Engineering;
  • the identification, documentation, conservation and interpretation of Engineering Heritage and
  • to aid research in Engineering History in Victoria.

Many resources listed in this knowledge base will cover all three areas. For example, thematic studies usually provide an historical overview of the technology and the people involved (Engineering History), an inventory of surviving items of interest (Engineering Heritage), and provide an assessment of the issues related to retention (Heritage Engineering). Some resources may be specific to Heritage Engineering such as a 'Conservation Management Plan (CMP)' or 'Conservation, Management and Maintenance Practice Notes', but within these, there will usually be information about the technology and people involved.

This knowledge base also includes details about past and present Engineering Heritage Victoria (EHV) Activities - conferences, seminars, talks, site visits, exhibitions, tours, celebrations - often with links to related resources.

Heritage Protection in Victoria:

It is important to understand the historical significance and heritage protection of a property, place, object, movable heritage or other historical items in Victoria. Legislative heritage protection in Victoria is provided by many agencies at Local, State, National and International levels.

  • Local government - responsible for locally significant heritage places through Heritage Overlays, under planning controls.
  • Heritage Victoria – responsible for state significant heritage places and objects in the Victorian Heritage Register, historical archaeological sites in the Victorian Heritage Inventory, and shipwrecks.
  • First Peoples - State Relations, Registered Aboriginal Parties and the Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Council – protect and manage Aboriginal cultural heritage and intangible heritage and recognise Aboriginal people as the primary guardians of their cultural heritage. Knowledge and lore, practices and people, objects and places have legislative protection.
  • Australian Government and Australian Heritage Council – responsible for places of outstanding heritage value to Australia: National Heritage List, Commonwealth Heritage. [Previously created The Register of the National Estate (1975-2007)] - accessible through the Australian Heritage Database.
  • UNESCO – responsible for places of outstanding universal value (world heritage).

State level places and objects are listed on the Victorian Heritage Register (VHR), or the Victorian Heritage Inventory (VHI) and at municipal level by being included within a Heritage Overlay in a local planning scheme. (Note that not all municipalities have established Heritage Overlays.) Access to the VHR, VHI and current Heritage Overlay listings are available through the Victorian Heritage Database.

All historical archaeological sites in Victoria are protected by law.
All Maritime heritage, underwater heritage sites, are protected.
State level Geo-heritage is recognised, but not yet uniformly protected by legislation. Some geo-heritage sites are included in Heritage Overlays.
Aboriginal cultural heritage in Victoria is protected and managed under the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006 and Aboriginal Heritage Regulations 2007 with processes linked to the Victorian planning system. The legislation provides protection for all Aboriginal places, objects and ancestral remains regardless of their inclusion on the Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Register.

Other listings, such as the National Trust of Victoria list, accessible through the Victorian Heritage Database should be consulted.
Such lists provide guidance, but do not provide legislative protection.

Thematic and typological studies:

There are many National and State level thematic histories or studies of relevance to Engineering Heritage in Victoria.
An incomplete list is provided below:

  • Bridges and engineering structures:
    • O'Connor, Colin Spanning Two Centuries: Historic Bridges of Australia University of Queensland Press, St. Lucia, Queensland, 1985. 225pp
    • O'Connor, Colin Register of Australian Historic Bridges Institution of Engineers, Australia, Barton, Australian Capital Territory, 1983. 79pp
      [This Register was produced with funds provided by the Australian Heritage Commission to the National Panel for Engineering Heritage of The Institution of Engineers, Australia. It has four sections: graphs, register, lists of bridges, index of towns and streams. Data contained in this first edition of the Register was obtained chiefly in the period 1981-82.]
    • O'Connor, Colin How to look at bridges : a guide to the study of Australian historic bridges Institution of Engineers, Australia., Barton, Australian Capital Territory, 1983. 50pp
      [This guide was produced to assist the survey work associated with the Historic Bridges project, commissioned by the National Panel for Engineering Heritage. After an introductory look at some old bridges, this booklet classifies bridges into their various types, and illustrates particular features of these types by reference to Australian bridges. It concludes by listing the information that is desirable in describing a bridge, and advice as to how this information may be recorded.]
    • Vines, Gary; and McInnes, Ken National Trust Study of Victoria's Metal Road Bridges. 2vols. National Trust of Australia (Victoria), Biosis Research Pty Ltd, 2003.
    • Vines, Gary Metal road bridges in Victoria. CD-ROM, 2003.
    • Vines, Gary National Trust study of Victoria's concrete road bridges. 2vols. National Trust of Australia (Victoria), 2008.
    • Vines, Gary National Trust Study of Victoria’s Masonry, Metal and Concrete Rail Bridges and Masonry Road Bridges. 2vols. National Trust of Australia (Victoria), 2011.
    • Alves, Lesley; and Holgate, Alan Monash Bridges: Typology Study Reinforced Concrete Bridges in Victoria 1897-1917. Faculties of Engineering and Arts, Monash University, 1998.
    • Holgate, Alan Monier arch bridges of Bendigo. 2nd ed. 1999.
    • Vines, Gary Quarry and Stone, Bluestone Quarrying, Stonemasonry and Building, in Melbourne's West Living Museum of the West, 1993.
    • Milner, Peter A Preliminary Study of Historic Engineering Establishments in Richmond and Burnley. 1986
    • Gould, Meredith Harbour, railways, industrial conservation study. Meredith Gould (Firm). 1v. 1985.
    • Chambers, Don Wooden Wonders: Victoria's timber bridges. Hyland House, Flemington, Vic., 2006. 207pp
  • Coastal, marine and riverine:
    • Winston-Gregson, J. H. Lighthouses type profile 1988: report to the Australian Heritage Commission. Australian Heritage Commission [Canberra?] Access Archaeology, 1988.
    • Barnard, Jill Jetties and Piers: A background history of maritime infrastructure in Victoria. Heritage Council of Victoria, 2007.
    • Kenderdine, Sarah; Victoria, Department of Planning and Development; New South Wales; Department of Planning; and Murray-Darling Basin Commission (Australia) Historic shipping on the Murray River: a guide to the terrestrial and submerged archaeological resources in New South Wales and Victoria. Heritage Branch Department of Planning, Sydney, 1994.
  • Defence:
    • Miller, Patrick Thematic history of defence in Victoria. Melbourne, Australian Construction Services, 1995.
  • Government and justice:
    • Warmington, G. S.; Ward, Andrew Australia Post survey of historic properties in Victoria. Australia Post. 2 vols. [Melbourne? Australia Post] 1990.
    • Trethowan, Bruce The Public Works Department of Victoria - 1851-1900: an architectural history. 2 vols. [Melbourne] Department of Architecture & Building, University of Melbourne, 1975. [Thesis]
    • Historic Places Section, Department of Natural Resources and Environment Historic Public Buildings in Victoria: Materials, Methods and Styles: a cultural sites network background study. August 1998.
  • Industry:
    • Rimmer, P. J. (Peter James) Manufacturing in Melbourne , Canberra: Research School of Pacific Studies, Department of Human Geography, Australian National University, 1969 [i.e. 1970]
    • Milner, P. (Peter) Engineering achievements in Victoria: 1840-1945. University of Melbourne, Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, [Parkville, Vic.], 1989.
    • Milner, Peter A report for the Industrial History Committee, National Trust of Victoria [Victoria]) Engineering achievements in Victorian Manufacturing, 1849-1945 , Vol.1. The manufacturers Technology report. Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of Melbourne, 1989.
    • Milner, Peter A report for the Industrial History Committee, National Trust of Victoria [Victoria]) Educational Institutions in Victoria: a survey. Technology report. Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of Melbourne, 1989.
    • Churchward, Matthew The Principal Engineering Establishments in Victoria in the Period 1842-1945. 1988.
    • Evans, Peter A report to the Australian Heritage Commission on sawmill and tramway sites in the Central Highland forests of Victoria. Canberra: Australian Heritage Commission, 1993. Description: 3 vols.: ill, maps; 30 cm. (Contents: V.1. Methodology for assessment of significance and recommendations for the Register of the National Estate -- v.2. The Rubicon forest -- v.3. Photographs.)
    • Harrington, Jane An archaeological and historical overview of limeburning in Victoria , ( Variable title: An archaeological and historical overview of lime burning in Victoria ).[Melbourne] Heritage Council, 2000.
    • Technical Advisory Committee on Manufacturing in Melbourne; Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works The development of manufacturing industry in Melbourne: a report submitted to the Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works. (Variable title: Report of the Technical Advisory Committee on Manufacturing in Melbourne). [Melbourne] M.M.B.W. 1979.
    • Aitken, Richard Farm buildings in Victoria to 1938. 3v. in 1. 1994.
    • Vines, Gary Fibre and fabric the wool, cotton, textile and allied industries in Melbourne's West. Victoria. Department of Planning and Development Highpoint City, Vic: Melbourne's Living Museum of the West, 1993.
    • Ward, Andrew C. Industrial heritage project. Appendix F, architectural assessment / Andrew C Ward and Associates [Melbourne]: The Authors , 1989.
    • Vines, Gary; Ward, Andrew Industrial heartland: introduction to the Western Region Industrial Heritage Study. / Living Museum of the West (Melbourne). Highpoint City, Vic. Melbourne's Living Museum of the West, 1990.
    • Penny, Jan Industrial history: manufacturing industry project methodology statement. National Trust of Australia (Victoria) [Melbourne] The Author, 1992.
    • Linge, G.J.R. (Godfrey James Rutherford). Industrial awakening: a geography of Australian manufacturing, 1788 to 1890. Canberra: Australian National University Press, 1979.
    • Vines, Gary; and Churchward, Matthew Northern suburbs factory study. Historic Buildings Council (Vic,) 2 vols. Highpoint, Vic. Melbourne's Living Museum of the West, 1992.
    • Milner, P. (Peter) A preliminary study of historic engineering establishments in Richmond and Burnley. University of Melbourne. Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, 1986.
    • Milner, P. (Peter) Some significant industrial sites in South Melbourne. [Melbourne] [National Trust of Australia (Victoria)] 1986.
  • Mining:
    • Donovan & Associates [Donovan, Peter] A mining history of Australia. Blackwood, South Australia, 1995. 335pp
      Includes an overview of Australia's mining history; a state-by-state history of mining; and a very extensive bibliography - nationwide and state-by-state.
      This publication was part of the National Mining Heritage Research Project for the Australian Council of National Trusts. The project was carried out with the assistance of funds made available by the Commonwealth of Australia under the national component of the 1990-1991 National Estates Grants Program.
      Introduction: The Project (pp.i-ix).
      Part 1: Australia's mining history:
      - Australia's mining history: an outline / Peter Donovan pp.3-42.
      Part 2: Australia's mining history by states: (pp.43-186).
      - General introduction / Peter Donovan pp.43-45;
      - Mining history of New South Wales / Alan Hargraves pp.46-71;
      - Mining history of Victoria / Charles Fahey pp.72-94;
      - Mining history of Queensland / Ruth S. Kerr pp.95-112;
      - Mining history of the Northern Territory / David Carment and Sue Harlow pp.113-128;
      - Mining history of Western Australia / Ken Spillman pp.129-144; - Mining history of South Australia / Bernard O'Neil pp.145-166;
      - Mining history of Tasmania / Peter Bell pp.167-186.
      Part. 3: Australia's mining history - a bibliography. pp.187-298.

      Note: The 'Australasian Mining History Association' has published an updated version of the Bibliography of Australasian Mining History, 2022, prepared by Mel Davies.
      Glossary, Acknowledgements (with brief biographies of authors), Index. pp.299-325.]
    • Vines, Jack Coal Mining Heritage Study in Victoria. 2008.
    • Bannear, David Historic mining sites in the Dunolly Mining Division. 2 v. in 1. 1993. (Contents: Part 1. Project report -- Part 2. Site gazetteer.)
    • Bannear, David Historic mining sites in the Heathcote (Waranga South) Mining Division. 2 v. in 1. 1993. (Contents: Part 1. Project report -- Part 2. Site gazetteer.)
    • Bannear, David Historic mining sites in the Maldon Mining Division. 2 v. in 1. 1993. (Contents: Part 1. Project report -- Part 2. Site gazetteer.)
    • Bannear, David Historic mining sites in the Sandhurst, Eaglehawk and Raywood Mining Division. 2 v. 1993. (Contents: v.1 Project report -- v.2 Site gazetteer.)
    • Bannear, David Historic mining sites in the Rushworth (Waranga North) Mining Division. 2v. in 1. 1993. (Contents: Part 1. Project report -- Part 2. Site gazetteer.)
    • Preservation of historic gold-mining sites: report to the Minister for Conservation Victoria. Ministry for Conservation Land Conservation Council. 1978.
  • Ports:
    • Ward, Andrew Charles; Milner, Peter; Vines, Gary; Greenaway, Ron Docklands heritage study Melbourne, Vic., September 1991. 278pp
      Commissioned by the Historic Buildings Council and the Docklands Task Force. Includes bibliography, illustrations, plans.
  • Power:
    • Godden Mackay Industrial heritage of power generation: a framework for heritage management. Volume 1 - power stations typology and heritage asset management. Surry Hills, NSW, 1995. 20pp
      Report prepared for the Electricity Supply Association of Australia (Australian Electricity Supply Industry Research Board).
      [Provides the executive summary, including an outline of the tasks undertaken, the results of the investigations into relevant statutory controls and current management practices, the development of a power station typology and specific policy and procedure recommendations.]
    • Godden Mackay Industrial heritage of power generation: a framework for heritage management. Volume 2 - existing situation. Surry Hills, NSW, 1995. 284pp
      Report prepared for the Electricity Supply Association of Australia (Australian Electricity Supply Industry Research Board).
      [Provides an overview of the existing situation. It commences with a technological history of power generation in Australia, then examines the statutory controls and organisations involved in heritage management, before outlining current procedures relating to power generation heritage both in Australia and overseas.]
    • Godden Mackay Industrial heritage of power generation: a framework for heritage management. Volume 3 - power stations typology and heritage asset management. Surry Hills, NSW, 1995. 144pp
      Report prepared for the Electricity Supply Association of Australia (Australian Electricity Supply Industry Research Board).
      [Includes development of the key initiatives and outcomes of the project. In its initial sections, this volume presents a detailed power station typology, prepared to facilitate contextual understanding of individual sites. This is followed by a resource audit or examination of the power stations which currently remain within each type. Procedures for analysing specific attributes of individual stations are then addressed, prior to the presentation of a methodology and standardised criteria for significance assessment. The final sections of the report outline major heritage management issues and provide both principles and policies for heritage asset management at power stations. This volume contains the report's detailed recommendations.]
    • Godden Mackay Industrial heritage of power generation: a framework for heritage management. Volume 4 - inventory. Surry Hills, NSW, 1995. 692pp
      Report prepared for the Electricity Supply Association of Australia (Australian Electricity Supply Industry Research Board).
      [Provides the major data gathered as part of the research project. It comprises an overview inventory of all known power stations in Australia.]
  • Trams:
    • Keating, J. D. Mind the Curve! A History of the Cable Trams. Melbourne University Press, Melbourne, 1970. 155pp
    • Vines, Gary Melbourne metropolitan tramway heritage study. Report for Heritage Victoria. Biosis Research, 2011.
  • Transport:
    • Gould, Meredith Harbour, railways, industrial conservation study. Railway area , [Melbourne] Melbourne City Council, 1985.
    • Edmonds, Leigh Moving Goods and People: an historic survey of road and rail transport in Victoria: a cultural sites network background study, Inventory of road and railway heritage places. Prepared for the Historic Places Section, Department of Natural Resources and Environment, History Heritage and Culture Pty Ltd, March 2001.
    • Barnard, Jill Living Histories, 'Moving Goods and People by Sea and Inland Waterways': an historical survey of sea and river transport in Victoria: a cultural sites network Background Study. Prepared for the Historic Places Section, Department of Natural Resources and Environment, June 2000.
    • Catrice, Daniel; and Summerton, Michele The motor garage and service station in Victoria a survey. Melbourne: Department of Infrastructure. Heritage Victoria, 1997.
    • Ward, Andrew Preston Tramway Heritage Review, 2000.
    • Milner, Peter Some Notes on the Railway Workshops at Newport, Spotswood and Williamstown, 1993
    • Evans, Peter A Study of Historic Sawmill and Tramway Sites in the North East Forest Region Victoria: Method & National Estate Place Assessments. Environment Australia.
    • Ward, Andrew C. Study of historic railway buildings and structures for V/Line. Andrew C. Ward and Associates; State Transport Authority, Victoria. 4 vols. Armadale, Vic. Andrew C. Ward, 1988.
    • Ward, Andrew; and Donnelly, A. Victoria's railway stations: an architectural survey , Australian Railway Historical Society. Multi vols. Box Hill, Vic. ARHS (Vic. Division) 1982. (v.1,2,3 Pt.1, 3 Pt.2, 4 Pt.1, 4 Pt.2)
    • Churchward, Matthew S. The Victorian steam heritage register. The Victorian Steam Heritage Survey, Melbourne: Scienceworks, Museum of Victoria, 1994.
    • Grant, Malcolm; and Paynting, H. H. Wheels in Victoria, 1824-1984: a record of wheeled transport through a century and a half of technological change. [Melbourne] Victorian Automobile Chamber of Commerce, [1988].
  • Water supply:
    • Context Victorian water supply heritage study. Context, 2007.

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