Alexander Wargon

From Engineering Heritage Australia

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Alexander Wargon (1926 - 2010)

Alexander Wargon was born in Warsaw Poland in 1926. He fled the Nazi occupation and later studied in Israel and the United States, before arriving in Sydney in 1958, where he settled for the rest of his life. Among a long list of landmark projects on which he worked is the AMP building at Circular Quay, but the structures with which he is most closely associated are the Centrepoint Tower and the Sydney Harbour Tunnel.

At first he worked with Rankine and Hill, later by himself and then with Robert Chapman.

For a fuller account of his life use the link:

Alexander Wargon was an Honorary Fellow of the Institution of Engineers Australia and his firm, Wargon Chapman Partners, received the Engineers Australia Engineering Excellence Award in 1977, 1990 and 1992.

Wargon died in 2010.

To access an oral history interview with Alexander Wargon please use this link:'

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