Wilfred Sydney Leeder

From Engineering Heritage Australia

Wilfred Sydney Leeder
(1920 - 2013)

Wilfred Sydney Leeder was born on 24 December 1920 (Christmas Present!) at Stockton, Newcastle. His education was at Stockton Primary School then Newcastle Boys' High School, gaining the Leaving Certificate in 1937.

Extra "education" was at Tom Maguire's Gymnasium in boxing and wrestling, as (effective) treatment for severe childhood asthma. Leeder played district cricket for Stockton Club until his move to Sydney. His father died in 1940, at age 48.

Leeder obtained a Mechanical Engineering Diploma (A.S.T.C.) at Newcastle Technical College by night classes. He was a Mechanical Engineering Staff Trainee at BHP Steel works from 1938 under the Essington Lewis Engineering Executive Training scheme. This included trade indentures in fitting and turning with practical training in all trade workshops, together with work experience in most production departments of steel manufacture. The objective of the scheme was to provide practical and academic training together to gain qualifications both as tradesman and professional engineer. Leeder’s total time at BHP was 10 years, including 3½ yrs as Acting Assistant Chief Mechanic of Bloom, Rail and 18' Continuous Bar Mills - the basic heavy rolling mills of the steel works.

Prior to WW II Leeder was in the Militia in the 1st. Field Company, Royal Australian Engineers. Soon after the commencement of the war he was sent back to Steel Works and placed on Military Reserve.

In 1948, Leeder joined the Australian Gaslight Co. as the Assistant. Mechanical Engineer at Mortlake Works, with his principal responsibility being for extensive steam plant,-boilers, engines, turbines, etc.

Up until his retirement in December 1980 he had several positions, Maintenance Engineer, Manager Engineering Construction and Maintenance and finally Acting Operations Manager, all covering all AGL operations.

Leeder was a Member of the Institution of Engineers Australia, a Chartered Professional Engineer (Aust.), and a Justice of the Peace. He was involved in the formation of the AGL Retirement Association. During his first 7 years of retirement, he was kept busy as Honorary Consulting Engineer to the NSW Masonic Hospital (Ashfield) and Presbyterian Homes for Aged Persons, Pittwood, also as honorary Director of the latter. Previous to 1980 he was for 15 years, an honorary Director of Western Suburbs Hospital.

After 1980 Leeder played organ and piano music regularly for residents of Pittwood and several other aged persons' homes. For most of his retirement period he acted as deputy organist at St. James Presbyterian Church, Burwood.

His hobbies included woodturning and photography. He was a Member of the Sydney Organ Society and the Theatre Organ Society of Australia, (TOSA). He enjoyed many years of regular practice on TOSA's Wurlitzer pipe organ, formerly at the Prince Edward Theatre. He was a charter member of Enfield Rotary and Strathfield Probus Clubs, a Senior Member of The Coronation Club, Burwood-Ashfield Catholic and Community Club, Croydon Park Ex-Servicemens Club and Canterbury-Hurlstone Park RSL Club.

With Wife Helen and Daughter Robyn, he had had two wonderful overseas trips to England and Scotland, U.S.A., Canada. Helen was a spinner for several years and did lots of craft work. Robyn was an Architectural Interior Designer.

Leeder was very grateful to have been given the privilege of membership of Ashfield Probus Club in 1993.

Wilfred Leeder died on August 23, 2012.

To access an oral history interview with Wilfred Sydney Leeder please use this link:'


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