Richard Ball

From Engineering Heritage Australia

Ball, Richard Thomas (1857-1937)

Richard Thomas Ball was originally an engineer before he became a NSW politician. In 1919 he was involved in the formation of the Institution of Engineers Australia from the earlier constituent bodies.

In the early 1920s when the administrative and ceremonial ground work for the Sydney Harbour Bridge was getting underway, Ball was the Secretary for Public Works and Minister for Railways in the NSW Government with carriage of the process. His was the hand which signed the contract with Dorman Long and Company in 1924 to build the bridge. Others succeeded him before the bridge was completed.


The account of the signing of the bridge contract as published in the Evening News.24 March 1924
The signature of the Secretary for Works and Minister for Railways, RT Ball on the Sydney Harbour Bridge contract. Evening News.24 March 1924

To read Neville Pollards extensive appreciation of Ball's life use this link:

Richard Thomas Ball

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