NSW Engineering Timeline: Electricity, Power and Communications

From Engineering Heritage Australia
Pre 1788 1788-1799 1800-1819 1820-1839 1840-1859 1860-1879 1880-1899
Power First  windmill, 1797.

Water mill at  Parramatta, 1798.

First steam engine in Dickinson’s mill, 1815. Whale  oil street lamp, Macquarie Place, 1826. First  gas street lamps, 1841 Garden  Palace lit by electric arc lights 2.12.1879.

Tamworth first town in Southern Hemisphere with electric street light 9.11.1888.

Sydney & Suburban Hydraulic Power Coy 1889-1975.

Telecommunications All Australian colonies are joined by telegraph, with the completion of a connection to Perth on 9.12.1877.

First telephone tested between La Perouse and Sydney on 13.1.1878.

1788-1799 1800-1819 1820-1839 1840-1859 1860-1879 1880-1899
1900-1919 1920-1939 1940-1959 1960-1979 1980-1999 2000-2019
Power Electricity supply switched on to Sydney, 8.1.1904. First radio station (2SB –now 702 ABC) commences 23.11.1923

First section of electrified underground railway opened in Sydney, 1926.

Sydney County Council formed, 1936.


Electricity Commission of NSW formed, 1950.

Work commences on Lucas Heights Nuclear Reactor, 1958.

First 660 MW generator in Australia commissioned at Vales Point Power Station, 1978.
Telecommunications Sydney and Melbourne connected by telephone, 1907. Television commences in Australia on 16.9.1957.
1900-1919 1920-1939 1940-1959 1960-1979 1980-1999
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