Perth Commemorative Plaques, St Georges Terrace

From Engineering Heritage Australia

In 1979 the City of Perth installed a set of commemorative street plaques along St Georges Terrace, the main commercial street in the Perth CBD. These plaques honour the people who have left their mark, in some significant way, on Western Australia. They include civic leaders, doctors, pioneers, teachers, sportspeople and engineers, with one plaque for every year since the settlement of the Swan River Colony in 1829.

Among the plaques are a number of engineers and other professionals who fulfilled engineering roles (regardless of the job title). Their stories are shared below.

Year Name Role
1830 John Septimus Roe Surveyor General
1837 Henry Willey Reveley Architect
1902 C. Y. O'Connor Engineer
1925 James Thompson Railway Engineer
1944 Lieutenant Commander Leon U. Goldsworthy, G.C. War Hero
1951 Sir Russell Dumas Public Servant
1983 William Harold Clough A.O. O.B.E. Engineering and Commerce

EHWA has retrieved the original City of Perth publication commemorating the street plaques and made it available here.

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