Western Australian Bibliography

From Engineering Heritage Australia

As the website has developed, an extensive number of publications have been identified. One of the single largest sources was the library of Dr Richard Hartley. Items donated by Mrs Pat Hartley to Engineers Australia plus other donated items were available for reference in the Boardroom at the WA Division office at 712 Murray Street, West Perth. In 2023 the WA Division office was moved to Allendale Square with no provision for a library. The library items were then dispersed to EHWA volunteers, the RWAHS Library and for unwanted items, to the RWAHS annual book sale. All items that were in the WA Division Library are included in the Bibliography below.

Where possible, for material which is out of copyright or for which approval has been granted, the Bibliography includes a link to a digital version which is available for download.

Western Australian History

Appleyard, R. T. and Manford, Toby, The Beginning: European discovery and early settlement of Swan River Western Australia, University of Western Australia Press, Nedlands, 1979.
Broeze, F. J. A., Western Australia until 1869: the maritime perspective, Early Days: Royal Western Australian Hstorical Society, vol. 8, parts 5 & 6, 1981 & 1982.
Brown, Hugh, The Pilbara: Australia's Ancient Heartbeat, Fanfaronades of Thunder Pty Ltd, Broome WA, 2007.
Chate, A.H. et al, Date It: a Western Australian chronology to 1929, Friends of Battye Library, Northbridge, 1991.
Crawford, Ian, Delroy, Anne and Stevenson, Lynne, A history of the Commissariat, Fremantle 1851 1991, Western Australian Museum, Perth, revised 1992.
Crowley, F. K. and de Garis, B. K., A Short History of Western Australia, Macmillan of Australia, South Melbourne, Second Edition, 1969.
Dreezens, G., Bianchi P., Bridge P. (eds.), Cobb and Co. in the Golden West, Hesperian Press, Carlisle, 2008.
Edwards, Hugh, Port of Pearls: a history of Broome, Swanbourne, 2005
Edwards, Ian, Headlines of History: a chronicle of Western Australian history, Flying Fish Ventures, 2002.
Engineering Heritage Western Australia, Goldfields Water Supply Scheme, one of Australia's engineering heritage treasures: Australian Engineering Week Tour 2011 to Mundaring Weir and the No. 1 Pump Station Museum, Engineers Australia WA, West Perth, revised March 2016.
Engineering Heritage Western Australia, Swan & Canning Rivers Bridges: Australian Engineering Week Tour 2012 Information Booklet, Engineers Australia WA, West Perth, 2012.
Evans, Dave, Lookouts of the Karri Country, Dept of Conservation and Land management, Como WA, 1993.
Fall, V. G., The Sea and the Forest: a history of the port of Rockingham, Western Australia, UWA Press, Nedlands, reprint Rockingham District Historical Society 2005.
Firkins, Peter (ed.), A History of Commerce and Industry in Western Australia, UWA Press, Nedlands, 1979 (Way 79).
Higham, Geoffrey J., Where was that? An Historical Gazetteer of Western Australia, Geoproject Solutions Pty Ltd, Winthrop, 2004.
Hunt, Su Jane and Bolton, Geoffrey, Cleansing the Dunghill: water supply and sanitation in Perth 1878 1912, Studies in Western Australian History II, Department of History UWA, Nedlands, 1978.
Lang, Ernie, Grist to the Mill: a history of flour milling in Western Australia, Goodman Fielder Mille Ltd, Perth, 1994.
Moynihan, John, All the News in a Flash: Rottnest communications 1829 1979, Telecom Australia and The Institution of Engineers, Australia, Western Australia Division, 1988.
Murray, Keith Owen, From Oar to Diesel on the Swan, West Australian Museum, Perth, Revised Edition 2004.
Oakley, Glenda, More Dates: a Western Australian Chronology 1930 to 1989, Friends of Battye Library, Northbridge, 1992
Oldham, Ray and John, Western Heritage: A Study of the Colonial Architecture of Perth WA, UWA Press, Perth, 1961.
Peterkin, A. Roy, The industrial development of Western Australia: a handbook of information on the primary secondary industries of the state, Minister for Industrial Development, Government Printer, 1942.
Pitt Morison, Margaret and White, John, Western Towns and Buildings, University of Western Australia Press for the Education Committee of the 150th Anniversary Celebrations, Nedlands, 1979.
Polizzotto, Carolyn, The factory floor: a visual and oral record 1900 1960, Fremantle Arts Centre Press, 1988.
Sherriff, Jacqui and Brake, Anne (editors), Building a colony: the convict legacy, University of Western Australia. Centre for Western Australian History, Perth, 2006.
Statham, Pamela, The Western Australian Sandlewood Industry, paper for the New Trends in WA history Conference, April 1991.
Stokes, Rowan and Smithson, Robert, An overview of two significant heritage projects on Rottnest Island/Wadjemup, 2022 Heritage Conference, Heritage Council Western Australia, 20 May 2022.
Thiel, P. W. H. and Co., Twentieth Century Impressions of Western Australia, PWH Thiel, Perth, 2000 (1902).
Underwood, Roger, Echoes from the Forest: stories from the lives of Australian foresters, Author, Perth WA, 1990.
Underwood, Roger, Tree Climber: the education of a forester, York Gum Publishing, 2003.
Underwood, Roger, Old Growth Foresters: the lives and times of West Australian foresters a personal account, York Gum Publishing, Palmyra WA, 2006.
Witcomb, Andrea and Gregory, Kate, From the Barracks to the Burrup, The National Trust in Western Australia, University of New South Wales Press Ltd, Sydney, 2010.

Western Australian People

Anderson, Max, From piles to files or the next twenty years, (40 MB), Attadale 2001.
Anderson, Max, Twenty years in the field. Engineering anecdotes from the mid forties to the mid sixties, (4 MB), Attadale 1994.
Anketell, Judith, Walker in the wilderness: the life of R. J. Anketell, Hesperian Press, Carlisle, WA, 1998.
Ayris, Cyril, C.Y. O'Connor: a man for the time, Black Swan series, West Perth 1996.
Battye, James Sykes, The cyclopedia of Western Australia (illustrated) in two volumes – an historical and commercial review – descriptive and biographical facts, figures and illustrations – an epitome of progress, Hussey & Gillingham for the Cyclopedia Company, Adelaide, 1912 1913.
Brodie Hall, Laurence, Brodie: memoirs of Sir Laurence Brodie Hall, Access Press, Northbridge, 1994.
Burton Jackson, J. L., Not an Idle Man: a biography of John Septimus Roe, Western Australia’s first surveyor general, 1797 1878, Arts Centre Press, Fremantle, 1982.
Carnegie, David W., Spinifex and Sand: five years pioneering & exploration in WA, Penguin Books, Victoria 1973 (1898). (available online)
Colebatch, Hal, Claude de Bernales: the magnificent miner: a biography, Hesperian Press, Carlisle, 1996.
Cumming, Denis A. and Hartley, Richard G., Westralian Founders of Twentieth Century Mining: career biographies of mining engineers, mine managers and metallurgists who worked in the Western Australian mining industry 1890 1920, Richard G. Hartley, Rossmoyne, 2014.
Devenish, Bruce, Man of energy and compassion: the life, letters and times of Henry Trigg, Swan River pioneer and church founder, Wongaburra Enterprises, South Perth, 1996.
Drake Brockman, Geoffrey, The Turning Wheel, Paterson Brokensha, Perth, 1960.
Evans, Anthony G., C. Y. O’Connor – his life and legacy, University of Western Australia Press, Crawley, 2001.
Gervas, Stan, Pipe Dream to Pipeline: The Eventful Life of Nathaniel W. Harper, Gervas Books, Maylands, 2001.
Hasluck, Alexandra, Great Australians: C. Y. O’Connor, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, 1965.
Hasluck, Alexandra, Royal Engineer: a life of Sir Edmund DuCane, Angus and Robertson, Sydney, 1973.
Main Roads Western Australia, Main Roads Alumni: on the shoulders of giants, Biographies for James W. Young, Edward Tindale, Donald H. Aitken, John G. Marsh, John D. Punch, John D. Leach, www.mainroads.wa.gov.au, <Accessed 20 January 2019>.
Oldham, Ray and John, Western Heritage Part 2 George Temple Poole: architect of the golden years 1885 1897, University of Western Australia Press, Nedlands, 1980.
Sacks, Margaret A., The Way 79 who is who: synoptic biographies of Western Australians, Crawley Publishers, Nedlands, 1980.
Sanderson, John Murray, Ride the whirlpool: selected speeches of Lieutenant General John Sanderson AC Governor of Western Australia 2000 2005, UWA Press, Crawley, 2005.
Tauman, Merab, The Chief: C. Y. O’Connor, University of Western Australia Press, Nedlands, 1978.
The Sphinx Foundation Inc., Perth Modern School: the history and the heritage, Chapter 10 – Legacies – Engineers, B== G Resource Enterprises, Cottesloe W.A., 2005, pp. 411 425.
Webb, Martyn, Death of a Hero: the strange suicide of Charles Yelverton O’Connor, RWAHS Early Days, Vol 11, part 1, 1995, pp. 81 111.

Western Australian Gold Industry

Bingley, A.N., Back to the Goldfields: Coolgardie and Kalgoorlie 1892 1940, Mobil Oil Australia and Hesperian Press, Carlisle, 1988.
Blainey, Geoffrey, The Golden Mile, Allen & Unwin, St Leonards NSW, 1993.
Bull, Margaret, White Feather: The story of Kanowna, Hesperian Press, Carlisle, 1987.
Bunbury, Bill, Timber for gold: life on the Goldfields woodlines, Fremantle Arts Centre Press, 1997.
De Havelland, D.W., Gold and Ghosts: A Prospector's Guide. Volume 1. and Volume 2., Hesperian Press, Victoria Park, 1986
Hooper, Jean, Youanmi: A Story of Murchison Gold, Hesperian Press, Carlisle 1987.
Howlett, Delys, Yellowdine: treasures in the bush, Howlett, Alexander Heights, 2007.
Hunt, Lyall, Yilgarn: Good Country for Hardy People. The Landscape and People of the Yilgarn Shire, Western Australia, Yilgarn Shire, Southern Cross, 1988.
McIlwraith, John and Harris, Anthea, Striking Gold: 100 Years of the Perth Mint, Gold Corporation, East Perth, 1999.
Palmer, Alex, Agnew, Hesperian Press, Carlisle, 2000.
Palmer, Alex, Fields Gold: a story of the Yalgoo Goldfields, Hesperian Press, Carlisle, 3rd ed. 2010.
Prider, Rex T. (ed.), Mining in Western Australia, UWA Press, Nedlands, 1979 (Way79).
Pusey, Margaret E., Niagara, Kookynie: How it Was, Pusey, Kalgoorlie, 2002.
Ralph, Gilbert M., Central Norseman Gold Corporation Limited: a pictorial history 1935 1985, Central Norseman Gold Corporation, Norseman, 1985.
Spillman, Ken, A Rich Endowment – Government and mining in Western Australia 1829 1994: published to commemorate the centenary of the Department of Minerals and Energy, University of Western Australia Press, Nedlands, 1993.
Stone, Douglas M., Doug Stone’s gold atlas of Western Australia, Outdoor Press, Euroa Vic, 2013.
Thomas, Athol, 90 golden years: the story of the Perth Mint, Gold Corporation, Perth, 1989.
Webb, Martyn and Audrey, Golden Destiny – The Centenary History of Kalgoorlie Boulder and the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia, City of Kalgoorlie Boulder, 1993.
Williams, Kennedy, Mullock, mulga and memories: tales of Gwalia and Leonora, Williams, Esperance, 2000.

Western Australian Railways

Arnold, John (ed.), Rails to Pinjarra 100: 100th anniversary of the first scheduled rail service to Pinjarra, 22nd May 1993, Murray Tourist Committee, Pinjarra, 1993.
Bertola, Patrick and Oliver, Bobbie, The Workshops: a history of the Midland Government Railway Workshops, University of Western Australia Press, Crawley, 2006.
Bianchi, Phil, Bridge, Peter & Tovey, Ray, Early Woodlines of the Goldfields: the story of the woodlines to World War II, Hesperian Press, Victoria Park, 2006 & 2008.
Ellis, Nic and Smyth, Chris, Midland Railway Workshops: a history in pictures 1904 2004, St George Books, Osborne Park WA, 2004.
Evans, H. D., The story behind the Manjimup Northcliffe railway line, H. D. Evans, M.L.A.
Francis, Ric, Destination golden gate: a pictorial review of Kalgoorlie electric tramway, Western Australian Omnibus Group Inc, 2009.
Gunzburg, Adrian, Hopper, Peter, Joyce, John, Minchin, Ray and Tilley, Allan, Western Australia's First Government Railway 1879 1957, Australian Railway Historical Society, Perth, 1979.
Gunzburg, Adrian, A history of W.A.G.R. steam locomotives, Australian Railway Historical Society, Perth, 1984.
Gunzburg, Adrian, The Midland Railway Company Locomotives of Western Australia, Light Railway Research Society, Melbourne, 1989.
Gunzburg, Adrian and Austin, Jeff, Rails through the Bush: timber and firewood tramways and railway contractors of Western Australia, Rail Heritage W.A., Bassendean, 1997.
Higham, Geoffrey J., Marble Bar to Mandurah: A history of passenger rail services in WA, Australian Railway Historical Society, Bassendean, 2007.
Higham, Geoffrey J., One Hundred Years of Railways in Western Australia 1871 1971, Australian Railway Historical Society, W.A. Division, Inc., Bayswater, 1971.
Hunter, Lawrence R. M., Woodline: Five Years with the Woodcutters of the WA Goldfields, Hunter, Fremantle, 1976.
Joyce, John and Tilley, Allan, Railways in the Pilbara, J & A Publications, Wembley 1980.
McNess, Archibald E. J., Original Railways of the Southwest. Busselton Margaret River, Flinders bay railway construction and Busselton Wonnerup, Nannup railway line, McNess, Meadow Springs, 1990.
Minchin, R. S. and Higham, G. J., Robb's Railway: Fremantle to Guildford railway centenary 1881 1981, Australian Railway Historical Society, Western Australian Division, Bassendean WA, 1981.
Pitsikas, L., Westrail Aluminium Rolling Stock, Westrail, 1976.
Public Transport Authority of Western Australia (Longhurst, Derek), 48 Months, 48 Minutes: building the Perth to Mandurah railway, Rawlhouse Publishing, West Perth, 2008.
Rogers, Philippa, Memories of the Midland Railway Co. of Western Australia, Rail Heritage WA, Bassendean, 2014.
Rogers, Philippa, Troops, trains and trade: wartime role of the railways of western Australia, 1939 1945, Rogers, Bassendean, 1999.
Sallis, Roger, The Pinjarra Narrogin railway: history of WA's Hotham Valley line, Sallis, Salisbury SA, 2009.
Southcombe, M. R. H., Steam in the Forests, Hesperian Press, Victoria Park, 1986.
Stanbridge, Jack, 70 Years of Rails and Wire in Western Australia, Book One Trains, Book Two Trams and Trolley Buses, Author, 1997.
Tilley, Allan, To Greenhills and Beyond: a history of the York Bruce Rock railway, Rail Heritage Publications, Greenwood WA, 1998.
Watson, Lindsay, The Railway History of Midland Junction: commemorating the centenary of Midland Junction 1895 1995, L. & S. Drafting in conjunction with the Shire of Swan and the Western Australian Light Railway Preservation Association Inc., 1995.
Western Australian Government Railways Commission, A Short History of the Western Australian Government Railways, 1956, (Located at RWAHS HS/806).
Westrail, Westrail: a concise history, 1981, (located at RWAHS Library - WES).
Westrail, Westrail Workshops Exhibition - 12th November 1975, Western Australian Government Railways.
Young, William John, Railway road bus and truck services of Western Australia, Young, Wooroloo, 2010.

Western Australian Government Sector

Alexander, Fred, Crowley, F.K. and Legge, J. D., The origins of the Eastern Goldfields water scheme in W.A., UWA Press, Nedlands, 1954.
Anderson, Max, Digging Holes and Piling Rocks - a brief history of the Harbours and Rivers Branch of the Public Works Department of WA 1902-1985, (9 MB), Attadale 2008.
Anderson, Max, Jumping Bollards and other stories related to State Ships, (11 MB), Attadale 2005.
Australian Marine Complex, Floating Dock: From vision to reality, Landcorp and Department of Commerce, Government of Western Australia, 2009.
Boalger, A Denham, The State Barrier Fences, (The Rabbit Proof Fence) from Southern to Indian Ocean, Perth, 1908
Boylen, Louise and McIlwraith, John, Power for the people : a history of gas and electricity in Western Australia, editor David Gladwell, Public and Govt. Affairs Branch, State Energy Commission of Western Australia, 1994.
Brankovich, Jasmina, McIlwraith, John and Spillman, Ken, The MERIWA Effect, A History of the Minerals and Energy Research Institute of Western Australia, University of Western Australia Press for Minerals and Energy Research Institute of Western Australia, Crawley, 2003.
Broomhall, Frank H., The longest fence in the world: a history of the no. 1 rabbit proof fence, Hesperian Press, Carlisle, 1991.
Clews, Barb, Liquid Gold – providing water to Bunbury for 100 years, AQWEST – Bunbury Water Board, Bunbury, 2006.
Cox, B.G., Kelsall, K.J., Construction of Cape Peron ocean outlet, Perth, Western Australia, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Vol. 80, Pt. 1, pp. 465-491, April 1986.
Culpeffer Cooke, Tony, Gunzburg, Adrian and Pleydell, Ian, Tracks by the Swan – the electric tram and trolley bus era of Perth, Western Australia, Perth Electric Tramway Society, Mount Lawley WA, 2010.
de Burgh, Jim, 'First Light', also titled 'The development of a state government electricity and gas supply in Western Australia', (19.5 MB), State Electricity Commission, Perth, 1955.
Department of the Premier and Cabinet, Options for bringing water to Perth from the Kimberley – An Independent Review, Government of Western Australia, Perth, 2006.
Dragicevich, Nick, A study of the viability of the State Engineering Works from 1910 to 1930, WAIT Business School, Masters Degree of Business, Perth, 1978.
Edmonds, Leigh, Cathedrals of power : a short history of the power generating infrastructure in Western Australia 1912 1999, University of Western Australia Press, Nedlands WA, 2000.
Edmonds, Leigh, The vital link – a history of Main Roads Western Australia 1926 1996,University of Western Australia Press, Nedlands, 1997.
Edmonds, Leigh, The vital link the transition years: Main Roads Western Australia, 1996 2006, Main Roads Western Australia, East Perth, 2008.
Edmonds, Leigh, From Muscles to Machines: Main Roads Western Australia in the Second World War, RWAHS Early Days, Vol 11, Part 1, 1995, p. 44 55.
Ewers, John K., The story of the pipe line: being an account of the construction the Coolgardie Scheme with some chapters on the early history of Western Australia, Carroll's Ltd, photocopy of 1934 booklet.
Ewers, John K., The western gateway: a history of Fremantle, UWA Press, Nedlands, 1971.
Fletcher, Leigh, The Coolgardie pipeline: 100 Years of Service,Institution of Engineers, Australia WA Division in conjunction with The National Trust of Australia (WA), 2003.
Goldfields Water Supply Administration, Corrosion of the 350 mile 30 inch Steel Conduit Investigation into the cause, and methods for prevention of corrosion, and special reports thereon, Government Printer, Perth, 1910.
Goldfields Water Supply Administration, Coolgardie Water Supply, Plan and Longitudinal Profile of the Pipe Line, Government Printer, Perth, 1910.
Government of Western Australia, The Coolgardie Water Supply - Souvenir of the Opening of the Works by Sir John & Lady Forrest, D. W. Paterson, Melbourne, 1903.
Hartley, Richard G., 'A Century of Water Supply to the Western Australian Goldfields and Wheat belt from Mundaring Weir and the Kalgoorlie Pipeline',Early Days, Journal of the Royal Western Australian Historical Society, Volume 11, Part 6, 2000.
Hartley, Richard, G., River of Steel – A History of the Western Australian Goldfields and Agricultural Water Supply 1903 – 2003, Access Press, Bassendean WA, 2007.
Hartley, Richard G., Lessons from Western Australia's goldfields water supply scheme, ICE EH&H 163 issue EH3, 2010.
Hillman, R. M., Perth’s Water Supply – Chairman’s Address delivered to the 51st Annual General Meeting, The Institution of Engineers, Australia, Western Australia Division, 1971.
Hunt, H. E., Australian Heritage Engineering Record Perth’s Early Water Supplies, WA Division, Institution of Engineers Aust, Perth, 1980.
Hunt, Su Jane, Water – the abiding challenge, Metropolitan Water Board, Perth, 1980.
Hutchinson, Ron, Managing a Million Square Miles A History of Western Australia's Department of Lands and Surveys, Hesperian Press, Victoria Park, 2016.
Johnson, Les, Albany: port with a past and future: a history of the port of Albany, Albany Port Authority, 1997.
Kelsall, Ken J., A Brief History of Perth Water Supply 1829 – 1985, Water Corporation, 2005.
Layman, Lenore (ed.), Powering Perth A History of the East Perth Power Station, Black Swan Press, Curtin University, 2011.
Le Page, John S. H., Building a State – The Story of the Public Works Department of Western Australia 1829 1985, Water Authority of Western Australia, 1986.
Leaver, Trevor G., SWAN RIVER WA - Engineering the Swan, Engineers Australia WA, West Perth, 2017.
Longhurst, Derek, 48 Months, 48 minutes: Building the Perth to Mandurah Railway, Rawlhouse Publishing for Public Transport Authority of Western Australia, 2008.
MacGill, Gerard, Hartley, Richard and Anderson, Maxwell, Bunbury Timber Jetty: Conservation Plan, MacGill and Associates, Perth, March 2003.
Main Roads WA, South West Region, Bush Tracks to Bitumen, MRD Bunbury, 2000.
Metropolitan Water Supply Sewerage & Drainage Department, Commemoration Volume 1925,Government Printer, Perth, 1925.
Metropolitan Water Supply Sewerage & Drainage Department, Subiaco Sewage Treatment Works, Perth, 1963.
Palmer, P. M., History of Timber Bridges in Western Australia,Western Roads, Vol 4 No. 2, Main Roads Department, 1979.
Public Works Department, Camballin Irrigation Area, Official Opening on 4th December 1961,Government Printer, Perth, 1961.
Simpson, History of the Coolgardie Water Supply Scheme,(9.7 MB) Messrs. James Simpson & Co., Ltd.,101 Grosvenor Road, S.W., and Newark on Trent, 1904.
Spillman, Ken, A rich endowment: Government and mining in Western Australia 1829 1994, UWA Press, Nedlands, Published to commemorate the centenary of the Department of Minerals and Energy, 1993.
Stephens, Alan M., The Stateships Story: 1912 1977, Western Australian State Shipping Service, Fremantle, 1977.
Stewart, Geoff, Urban transport and the MTT, Charles Amery& Associates, West Perth, 1983.
Tognolini, Albert, Development of Kimberley Roads - 1945 to 1990, Kimberley Society, Perth, 2017.
Uren, Malcolm J. L., Patrick, F., Servant of the State: the history of the Main Roads Department 1926 1976, Commissioner of Main Roads WA, 1976.
Water Corporation, Water Story, The Battle to Keep Perth Green, Leederville, 2006.
Water Corporation, Water Corporation 1996-2015 - celebrating 20 years, Leederville, 2015.
Water Corporation, Wungong Catchment Environment and Water Management project, Water Corporation, Leederville, 2005.
Webster, K. C. and Wilkin W. J., The Investigation and Design of the Ord River Dam,Civil Engineering Transactions, Institution of Engineers Australia, Vol. CE 15, No. 1 & 2, 1973, pp. 14 20.
Wombwell, Peter and Joll, Ted, Fares Please: public transport in Perth, Transperth Public Affairs, 1991

Western Australian Private Sector

Atherton, Graeme and Wilkinson, Rick, Beyond the Flame – The Story of Australia’s North West Shelf Natural Gas Project, Woodside Offshore Petroleum Pty Ltd, Perth WA, 1989.
BHP Billiton Iron Ore and Fluor SKM Iron Ore Joint Venture, Rapid Growth Project 5, FAST Communications, 2012.
Bianchi, Phil and Mather, Ray, Ingenious inventor: Frank Mather and his Electweld Steel Company, Hesperian Press, Carlisle, 2007.
Bird, John, HEBE The Black Jewel: commemorating forty years of mining at Muja (1953 1993), Griffin Coal Mining Company, Collie, 1994.
Burvill, George H. (ed.), Agriculture in Western Australia: 150 years of development and achievement, 1829 1979, UWA Press, Nedlands, 1979 (Way 79).
Coates, Loraine, Manufacturing Factories – 1900: above and beyond Perth and suburbs, Hesperian Press, Victoria Park, 2015.
Dickson, Rod, They Kept This State Afloat: shipbuilders, boatbuilders and shipwrights of WA 1829 1929, Hesperian Press, 1998.
G B Hill & Partners Pty Ltd, Conservation Plan Donnelly River Mill, Heritage Council of Western Australia, July 1994.
Garvey, Nichola, A Sense of Purpose: Fortescue's 10 year journey 2003 2013, Fortescue Metals Group Ltd, East Perth, 2013.
Gresham, J. J., Kambalda: history of a mining town, Western Mining Corporation, Melbourne, 1991.
Hamersley Iron, Early mining in the Pilbara: Hamersley Iron, 1986: the 20th year of Hamersley Iron, Hamersley Iron, Perth, 1986.
Hamilton, Margaret, Mornington Mills: Murdoch University studies in industrial archaeology, Murdoch University WA, 1980.
Lee, David, Iron Country: unlocking the Pilbara,Minerals Council of Australia, Forrest ACT, 2015.
Mcllwraith, John, Mesa Harvest 25: Robe Rivers first years, Robe River Iron Associates, Wickham, 1997.
Mills, Jenny, The Timber People: a history of Bunnings Limited, Bunnings Limited, Perth W.A., 1986.
Moore, Bryce, From the ground up: Bristile, Whittakers and Metro Brick in Western Australian history, University of Western Australia Press, Nedlands W.A., 1987.
Murray, Robert, From the Edge of a Timeless Land: a history of the North West Shelf Gas Project, Allen & Unwin, North Sydney, 1991.
O'Shaughnessy, P. T., Laporte: a history of the Australind Titanium Dioxide Project, Hisperian Press, Victoria Park, 2011.
Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia, The North West Shelf - A Sea of Lost Opportunities? (First Report), Report from the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Technology, November 1989.
Porter, Robert, Below the Sands: the companies that formed Iluka Resources, Consolidated Gold Fields, RGC, Westralian Oil, Westralian Sands, Associated Minerals Consolidated, Western Titanium, UWA Publishing, Crawley, 2018.
Rio Tinto PLC and Rio Tinto Ltd., Dampier Port Upgrade - Phase A - The Project in Pictures, SKM document number: DPU-REP-G-027-1, 2006
Shaw, Murray, Moving Mountains - The Evolution of Port Hedland Harbour, Hesperian Press, Carlisle, 2006.
Smith, Keith R., The Birth of a Legend: the history of the Geraldton Building Company and the men and women who made it possible, Geraldton Building Co Pty Ltd, 1994.
Smith, Keith R., The Great Challenge: the saga of Yampi, Author, Perth WA, 1978.
Stedman, Catherine, 100 years of Collie Coal, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, 1988.
Thompson, Andrew G., Legendre, Legends and Legacies – First Offshore Oil Discovery on Australia’s North West Shelf, Andeliza Pty Ltd, Cottesloe WA, 2018.
Thomson, John, Calyx, Wembley Ware and Bristile China, Published by the author with the sponsorship of Bristile Limited, 1989.
Trengove, Alan, Adventure in Iron – Hamersley’s First Decade, Stockwell Press, Victoria, 1976.

Engineering History

Tindale, E, Review of engineering development of Western Australia over the past 40 years, Journal I. E. Aust., v. 8 n. 2, Feb 1936, pp. 43 50.

Engineering Professional Organisations

Kelsall, Kenneth J, Documents Relating to the History of Professional Engineering Institutions in Western Australia, Perth 1977.

Engineering Education

Alexander, Fred, Campus at Crawley – a narrative and critical appreciation of the first fifty years of the University of Western Australia, F. W. Cheshire for The University of Western Australia Press, Nedlands, 1963.
Fraenkel, Poul H., Shenton’s Villa : reminiscences from the School of Mining and Engineering of the University of Western Australia, Institution of Engineers, Australia. Western Australia, 1930s.
Gregory, Jenny, Seeking Wisdom – A centenary history of the University of Western Australia, UWA Publishing, Crawley, 2013.
McLaren, Glen, Miners and mentors: a centenary history of the Western Australian School of Mines, Curtin University of Technology, 2001.
Shervington, Christine, University Voices – Traces from the Past, University of Western Australia, Perth, 1987, pp. 52 54 (graduation ceremonies).
University Engineers Club, 95th Anniversary Special Edition Torque, (9.1 MB), 2016.
WA School of Mines (WASM), Kalgoorlie, 77Years, Report for year 1979 (staff, story of second grad.), WASM, 1979.
White, Michael, WAIT to Curtin: a history of Western Australian Institute of Technology, Paradigm Books, Curtin University, 1996.

Engineering Technology

Anderson, M., Cumming, D.A., Hartley, R.G., Larke, B., MacGill, G., Margetts, L. and Moore, R. (Working Party); Hartley, R.G. (Editorial Coordinator); James, B (Chairman Working Party); Edmonds, L (Compiler)

Large timber structures in Western Australia,
Vol 1. Introduction and recommendations,
Vol 2. Section one: Road bridges,
Vol 3. Section two: Railway bridges,
Vol 4. Sections three seven: Other structures,
Vol 5. Appendix: Railway Bridge Plans, (80.4 MB)
Institution of Engineers, Australia, Western Australia Division, Engineering Heritage Panel, 1998.

Clydesdale, John, Perth's first motor vehicle: the beginning of powered road transport, Author, Yokine, 2004.
Crameri, Ricardo, Dot dash to dot com: a north west odyssey, Crameri, North Perth, 2002.
Cumming, D.A., Garrat, D., McCarthy, M., Wolfe, A., Port related structures on the coast of Western Australia, Dept. of Marine Archeology, WA Maritime Museum, Report 98, 1995.
Cumming, D.A., Glasson, M. and McCarthy, M., Lighthouses on the Western Australian coast and off shore islands, (2.6 MB) Dept. of Marine Archeology, WA Maritime Museum, Report 100, 1995.
Harrison, Norman, Perth Rocks - A Guide to the Dimension Stone of Perth City Centre, Norman Harrison, Perth, 2018.
Hartley, Richard G., From ‘Pong Alley’ to the Winged Keel – 150 years of industrial work in North Fremantle, Richard G. Hartley, Rossmoyne, 2008.
Hartley, Richard G. and Heritage Council of W.A., Industry and Infrastructure in Western Australia 1829 – 1940, Institution of Engineers, Australia, Western Australian Division, 1995.
Menck, Clare, A thematic history of government housing in Western Australia, Department of Housing, 2014.
Menck, Clare, A thematic history of bridges of the Wheatbelt region Western Australia, Main Roads WA Wheatbelt Region, 2016.
Menck, Clare, A thematic history of bridges of the Metropolitan region Western Australia, Main Roads WA Metropolitan Region, 2019.
Menck, Clare, A thematic history of bridges of the Great Southern region Western Australia, Main Roads WA Great Southern Region, 2019.
Menck, Clare, A thematic history of bridges of the South West region Western Australia, Main Roads WA South West Region, 2019
Menck, Clare, A thematic history of Western Australia, Heritage Council, State of Western Australia, 2022.

Aboriginal Technology

Bridge, Peter J., Wilgie Mia: cave of red ochre and raddled ranters, Hesperian Press, Victoria Park, 2018.

Railway Engineering

Military Engineering

Cairns, Lynne, Secret fleets: Fremantle’s World War II submarine base, Western Australian Maritime Museum, Fremantle, 2010.
G B Hill & Partners Pty Ltd, Oliver Hill Battery Conservation Assessment, Rottnest Island Authority, November 1995.
Johnson, Les, The guns of King George's Sound: the Albany forts, Town of Albany, 1989.
Martin, Roger, A Sound Defence: The Story of Princess Royal Fortress King George III Sound Western Australia,Town of Albany, 1987.
McKenzie Smith, Graham, Sappers in the West: Army Engineers in Western Australia, Royal Australian Engineers Association of WA (Inc), Balga WA, 2015. The Author has given permission for Chapter One : Building a Colony 1851 to 1902 and Chapter Two : The Early Years 1903 to 1920 to be made available on this website.
Shean, Max, Corvette and Submarine, Max Shean, Claremont, 1994.

Engineering Bibliography

Clement, Cathie, Guide to Printed Sources for History of the Kimberley Region of WA, Centre for WA History, Nedlands, 1996.
Hartley, Richard G., A guide to Printed Sources for the history of the Eastern Goldfields Region of Western Australia, Centre for Western Australian History, UWA, Nedlands, 2000.
Oliver, Bobbie, World of Work: work in Western Australia, an annotated guide to resources, Centre for Western Australian History, UWA, Nedlands, 1992.
Whiteford, David et al, WA map bibliography, Perth and districts, Friends of Battye Library, Northbridge, 2002.


City of Cockburn, Cockburn History, history.cockburn.wa.gov.au, (accessed 9 February 2021).
Maritime Archaeology Association of Western Australia, ShipWrecks Western Australia, www.shipwreckswa.com, (accessed 25 June 2021).
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